Gateway API v1.0: GA version released

2023-11-01 11:33:04

Gateway API v1.0 is now available. The announcement points out that this version is an important milestone of the project. Several key APIs have been upgraded to GA (generally available), and other important functions have been added to the Experimental channel.

What's New

Upgrade to v1

This version upgrades the Gateway, GatewayClass and HTTPRoute to v1, which means they are generally available now. This API version shows a high degree of confidence in the API surface and provides a guarantee of backward compatibility. It should be noted that although these API versions included in the Standard channel are now considered stable, this does not mean that they are complete. These APIs will continue to receive new functions through the experimental channel to meet the upgraded standards.


The Gateway API now has its own logo! This logo is designed through a collaborative process and aims to represent a set of APIs for north-south and east-west traffic routing in Kubernetes:

CEL verification

In the past, the Gateway API was bound with a validation webhook as part of the installation API. Starting from v1.0, the installation of webhook is optional and only recommended for Kubernetes 1.24. The Gateway API now includes CEL] validation rules as part of CRDs. This new form of verification is supported in Kubernetes 1.25+, so webhook verification is no longer required in most installations.

Standard channel

The main focus of this version is to ensure that the existing beta API is clearly defined and stable enough to be upgraded to GA. This led to the clarification of various specifications and some improvements to improve the overall user experience when interacting with the Gateway API.

Experimental channel

Most of the changes in this version are limited to experimental channels, including HTTPRoute timeout, TLS configuration from Gateway to backend, WebSocket support, Gateway infrastructure tags, and so on.

Next, the project team will continue to work hard to stabilize and upgrade other experimental functions of the API. It supports service grid, additional routing types (GRPCRoute, TCPRoute, TLSRoute [17], UDP Route), and various experimental functions.

And move ReferenceGrant into the built-in Kubernetes API so that it can be used not only for the Gateway API. "In the Gateway API, we use this resource to safely enable cross namespace references, and this concept is now adopted by other SIGs. The new version of this API will be owned by SIG Auth, and may contain at least some modifications when migrating to the built-in Kubernetes API."

More details can be found at:

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