Fill in customs declaration information

Tips: After filling in the correct information, the professional international parts consultant will help you complete the customs declaration application
Declared article {{index+1}}
Item name:
History empty
{{item1. name}} ({{item1. count}} x {{item1. price}} yuan)
Unit Price: RMB
{{bgGoodList [index]. itemPurpose | | 'Please select the purpose of the item'}}
country of origin:
{{bgGoodList [index]. origin | | 'China'}}
Hot Countries/Regions
No country
+Add new customs declaration information
{{uploadRes. length}} declared article information has been imported Re import
{{file? File. name: 'Click to select Excel file'}}
Declared article {{index+1}}
Item name:
History empty
{{item1. name}} ({{item1. count}} x {{item1. price}} yuan)
Unit Price: RMB
{{uploadRes [index]. itemPurpose | | 'Please select the purpose of the article'}}
country of origin:
{{uploadRes [index]. origin | | 'China'}}
Hot Countries/Regions
No country
Declared amount: {{bgListIndex===0? (bgPrice | | '--'): bgPrice_upload | | '--'} Yuan

International mail address book

It is recommended to fill in the international address information in English Clear the entered information
Recipient Name:
Please fill in the recipient's name
Countries and regions:
Please select a country or region
Hot Countries/Regions
No country
{{}} ({{item.en}})

This country is not supported temporarily. Please contact us if you need

contact number:
Please fill in the contact number
Postal code:
This zip code corresponds to multiple cities. Please select the destination city
Please enter the zip code
The city corresponding to this zip code cannot be matched temporarily. Please enter the city manually
Detailed address:
Please fill in the address with more than 3 words
Recipient type:
Recipient Email:
corporate name:
Please enter the company name
Company Tax No.:
From 4 yuan
Tips: 08:30-17:30 service hours from Monday to Friday. Non service time orders will be processed in the next working time
The business hours of international parts are {{market. serviceTime | | ''}} (Monday to Friday) , order now {{serviceTime}} Response after
Sender (Place of departure)
Smart Pasteboard Address Book Clear the entered information
Sender's name:
Please enter the sender's name
phone number:
Please enter an 11 digit mobile phone number
Sender's address:
{{subData. sendxzq | | 'Please select a province or city'}}
Please select a province or city
Please fill in the address with more than 4 words
addressee (Destination)
Address Book Clear the entered information
It is recommended to fill in the recipient's information in English
Recipient Name:
Please fill in the recipient's name
Countries and regions:
Please select a country or region
Hot Countries/Regions
No country
{{}} ({{item.en}})

This country is not supported temporarily. Please contact us if you need

contact number:
Please enter contact information
Postal code:
This zip code corresponds to multiple cities. Please select the destination city
Please enter the zip code
The city corresponding to this zip code cannot be matched temporarily. Please enter the city manually
Detailed address:
Please fill in the address with more than 3 words
Recipient type:
Recipient Email:
corporate name:
Please enter the company name
Company Tax No.:
Item information What can't I send international mail?
Item type:


Please select the item information
Please indicate whether the package contains the following special items (optional)
With battery
Containing cosmetics
Containing food
Including epidemic prevention articles
Customs declaration information:
Completed {hasBG? 'Modify customs declaration information>': 'Click to fill in customs declaration information>'}}
Please fill in the customs declaration information
Estimated weight:
kg .
= {{reactWeight || 0}} kg . Volume weight
Please fill in the volume
{{(cargo. weight>300 | | reactWeight>300)? 'For the time being, only items below 300 kg can be predicted. If you need to send more than 300 kg, please place an order according to 300 kg, and communicate with the consultant when contacting': 'Please fill in the item weight'}}}
Note: The final express fee will be calculated by comparing the volume weight with the actual weight. The larger number will be used to calculate the delivery fee. The calculation method of the volume weight is: length x width x height/5000
Express delivery selection
The following express delivery is supported. Please fill in the receiving and sending information first.
{{ (kdIndex === index && hasChange) ? formatPriceMain(item) : formatPrice(item.price) }} element
{{, 7)}}
This article is not supported temporarily
The cheapest
Official recommendation
Select another express company
Value added services
Instructions for use of coupons: When placing an order, you can preview the available coupons and the discounted price. When paying freight, you can reselect and use the coupons that meet the conditions according to the actual price
{{item.sub_title}} element
Message from courier:
Estimated freight: {{showNewMoney}} element
View Details
With the change of international fuel prices, fuel surcharges will rise, decrease or cancel accordingly
Coupon deduction
-{{couplings [vm. couponIndex]. sub_title}} yuan
The cost of insurance and packaging shall be subject to the cost negotiated by both parties and shall not be included in the estimated cost
Place an order immediately