The reason why we chose such a title is that we saw a video of up on Station B a while ago. It is called "Love" in the Cholera Period. The video is about the meeting between the up owner and his girlfriend. I felt very romantic, so I had a profound impact on the title.

I write a record almost every year after returning to my hometown. If I hadn't thought about it today, I might have forgotten the details and what happened several times before.

  • 2015: In my hometown, I went to the home of rsy and hy. If I remember correctly, I watched the film of "Ice and Snow" on rsy's TV. At that time, I didn't have the habit of keeping a diary (although I barely insist on it now), so I didn't record it.
  • 2016: Friends - Home Record from August 6 to August 12
  • 2017: (February 19, 2018) There was no blog post, but it was recorded in the diary on February 22 of "A diary" (at that time it was an Android phone).
  • 2018: (preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, so I didn't go back in the summer vacation) At the end of 2018, my friends came to Beijing to play Record four days
  • 2019: Friends went to Xiamen, where one of their friends' universities is located Don't look back, don't forget (7-day tour)
  • In 2020, this is the time to go home

I was prepared to write on the day I came back, because the school company's work was slow due to the delay in returning home, so I have been busy until today. It is not that I am too busy to write every day.

Even yesterday, I could have spent an afternoon watching the "Ten Day Game" online drama to write this record.

This afternoon, at this point, I didn't want to do anything, just wanted to relax myself a little. So we have this article. This is not a pure record of going back to my hometown, but also some of my changes and thoughts in recent months. After all, I haven't posted a blog for three months. But that doesn't mean I haven't written some broken words in recent months.

I went back to my hometown last Tuesday and left at 9:30 pm. The next day I arrived at my hometown.

Because there are some things to do at home, but it has nothing to do with me. So i went to hy's house again.

I really didn't want to go to his home, but I just talked on QQ a few days ago that there was a milk tea shop near his home called "Snow City". My mother also works near his house, and I don't want to follow, so I want to rub a cup of milk tea. So we made an appointment in advance to meet at the milk tea shop.

And at the epidemic stage, although there are no cases in Anhui, it's not good to go to other people's homes. If it's in case, right. It always increases the risk.

When he arrived near his home, the school company was going to have a meeting again soon. He was really busy... So he said to go to his home for a meeting. I didn't use a better way, so I went.

At that time (still very busy now), the laboratory was learning ICE related knowledge again. Use c++to implement a connection mechanism similar to webRTC on the desktop. This is a strange field for us, and it is also very difficult.

In fact, he and I haven't seen each other for a long time. We met last summer, and several friends also met by video during the Spring Festival.

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It was about 7 o'clock when the school company ended (it started at 5 o'clock...). So he and I are going to eat out. On the road, I said that his hair always curls to both sides. I jokingly said that "the local government supports the central government". The last choice is a kebab shop. We are still students, so I should insist on ordering less, but in the end, I ordered too much so that I didn't finish it completely.

The content of the meal is probably what happened at school.

After dinner, I wanted to go back to his home to have a rest. I'm really tired. He said he wanted to buy a hat in the shop. So I accompanied the past. There was some chat on the way. In fact, what to talk about is not very important for two people. isn't it? The most important thing should be whether the mood of two people has become better or worse because of chatting.

In the end, I didn't buy the hat after I picked it for a long time in the store, because I felt that the quality was average and the price was not cheap. The hat I decided to buy in the end also cost 30 yuan. (Remembering that we spent 180 to eat... sin and sin)

After returning home in the evening, we watched videos and played games for a while. I'll take a bath first. But because I didn't bring any clothes with me this time... I wore his upper inch clothes.

He is chatting with another classmate. It's his classmate in college. I heard that he started a company, which is related to soft writing.

When he was about to go to bed, he talked about his graduation project with me because another friend sent her graduation project in the group and the teacher suggested that it should be greatly revised. In fact, I am not so interested in his graduation project (emmmm haha), but I am still a qualified listener. Maybe I can also be a good reporter.

When I went to bed with the lights out, we talked about glasses, and then I fell asleep.

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In the daytime, there were meetings in the group at 10:00 and requirements review at 10:45, so I didn't have much time to finish with hy. I watched the video of my favorite website b together and played the game of "walking master" that he had played before.

At 11:00, my mother came to pick me up. I was a little reluctant to leave. After all, it was several days before I took his family with me until I was bored (hahaha).

That afternoon, we embarked on the journey back to Beijing. We drove back this time. I sat in the back seat and looked out of the window at the sky. The sky was very beautiful that day. Large clouds are rarely seen in Beijing.

The head picture of this article was taken that day. Looking at the shining and changing clouds in the sky, I suddenly felt a very touching emotion, hoping that I could realize the wishes I had denied countless times in the clouds.

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This is the whole process of going home.

I hope that next time we meet, we can all make some changes, and we can all go further with our ideal appearance.

(I don't know why I ended this way.)

Last modification: July 5, 2020
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