
According to the international mainstream convention, we use the naming method of "Semantic Versioning", sometimes referred to as SemVersion.

The format of the semantic version number (hereinafter referred to as "version number") is: <major>.< minor>.< patch> That is, use a three digit non negative integer with a dot connect.

Their values are non negative integers. If they are greater than 0, they cannot be preceded by zeros
For example, 1.4.15 and 6.2.0.

Version No

The version number is divided into x.y.z. It represents the major version number, minor version number and patch version number

  • If you are only fixing bugs, you need to update the z-bit
  • If a new function is added, but Backward compatibility , Y bit needs to be updated
  • If the change is great, Down Incompatible , x bits need to be updated

Previous version number

In addition to the regular version number naming, there is a special category called prerelease version. It indicates that the current version is unstable, and you need to pay attention to risks when using it.

The format of the previous version number is <major>.< minor>.< patch>-<stage>.< num> , that is, the first half has the same version number as the regular version, and then follows the connector - , followed by an alphanumeric dot connector.

frequently-used stage yes:

  • Alpha: internal beta, for internal communication or testing by professional testers;
  • Beta: public beta, which is used by professional enthusiasts for large-scale testing, has some defects, and this version is not suitable for general users to install;
  • Gamma: The mature beta version is almost the same as the upcoming official version;
  • Rc: Yes Release Candidate Abbreviation of, which means the countdown to release, candidate version Gamma Phase, this version has completed all functions and cleared most bugs. At this stage, only bugs will be removed, and no major changes will be made to the software. from Alpha reach Beta Arrive again Gamma It is the priority of improvement, but RC1 and RC2 are often trade-offs.
  • Lts: long-term maintenance, long term support Abbreviation of.
  • Stable: stable version. In open source software, there are stable versions. This is the stable release of open source software.

For example: 1.0.0-alpha.1

Reference article

Scope of Semantic Version (SemVer)
SemVer semantic version
On the Correct Opening Mode of Version Number

Last modification: December 6, 2016
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