These two days ended the first stage of the experiment. Once again, there was time to spare, so I decided to go to the hospital to pull out a tooth.

Some time ago, I accidentally licked the wisdom teeth that had just sprouted, but I felt that they were only half as long. I thought it was not a big deal, so I didn't pay attention to them. Later, I saw Uncle Hiroshi take a tooth film, and he posted a sketch map of the possible growth of wisdom teeth in his blog. I paid a little attention to it. Later, my mouth hurt for several days. When I looked in the mirror carefully, I knew it was the inflammation caused by the crooked wisdom teeth.

My wisdom teeth are like the picture below“ Near middle tilt position ”It shows that if this impacted tooth continues to grow, it will definitely destroy the top of the old tooth. At that time, both the wisdom tooth and the good tooth will be pulled out. The mouth is still swollen, and it will be difficult to pull it out again.

 Figure of tooth position
Figure of tooth position

So, the idea that I had started very early was finally put into practice in these two days - I pulled out my wisdom teeth.

In fact, tooth extraction is very simple, only 4 steps can be completed, while the average person only needs 3 steps. I'm a little special. Don't be surprised.

Take dental film

There are many people waiting in line for doctors to register for tooth extraction, and most of them are children. It seems that I didn't notice my teeth grow bad during the tooth replacement period.

When it was my turn, the doctor held a spoon like thing against my mouth, took a flashlight, and said without changing his face, "You need to pull out four. Go pay for a film."

what the fuck? Four? My face:

I have the courage to pull out a tooth, but I am not prepared to pull out four teeth! There's no turning back. I paid the money and went to the place where I took dental films. Taking dental film is very fast. It will be ready in five minutes. After receiving the dental film, it was found that the two teeth in the lower row were impacted teeth, and the corresponding two teeth in the upper row should also be extracted. (Large picture warning)

 Impacted tooth
Impacted tooth

Show the dental tablet to the doctor, and the doctor slowly said:

"Your wisdom teeth on both sides have to be pulled out, and this one (on the left) may be pressed to the nerve. It will be risky to pull it out at that time."
"There are risks..."
"Yes, if you hurt your nerves, that half of your face will be unconscious."
"Go take a CT."
"Well, we don't have CT here. You can go to XX to take photos and give you the address."
I am at a loss:

"Oh, yes, yes."

I have to go again in a daze. I went straight out of the hospital. Just after 10 o'clock, the sun was at the top of my head, while the doctor gave me another hospital in another city. It took an hour to take the bus. It should be too late to go now. But my concern is not about time, it is money I don't know how much it costs to shoot a CT. When I ask the big shots in the group, they don't know. But what about money when it comes to health and safety? Set off immediately.

Take CT

It was half past twelve when we arrived at the designated hospital. The hospital was closed and went to work at 2:30. Now it's not worth it to turn back. I just found a place to eat and an Internet cafe to surf the Internet. It is better to have an air conditioner than to bask in the sun outside.

Wait until half past two, take CT, wait for CT film, and it's already five o'clock. It was too late to go to the previous hospital, so I went back to school.

Agreed tooth extraction time

Just like yesterday's registration and queuing. The computer of the dentist who pulled out the tooth got stuck and he was very irritable.

"Doctor, I'll pull out the wisdom teeth..."
"Go and stay outside first! I'll call you back later!"
"Oh... OK..."

I honestly went to the hall to wait, but within a few minutes I heard my name called. The doctor's computer is ready. This time it doesn't look so fierce.

I showed the CT film to the doctor, who carefully explained to me the imaging of the lower teeth, the four quadrants set to distinguish left from right, up and down, how long the tooth was, and how to pull it out. She also taught me how to understand the CT picture. But I was already confused, so I nodded frequently to show my promise. As expected, I learned mathematics, physics and chemistry well and traveled all over the world.

The appointment was to pick up at ten the next day.

Tooth extraction

I woke up early in the morning. I always wake up early recently. There was an experiment in the morning, but it was better to pull out the teeth first. Depart at 9:40, arrive at the hospital on time at 10:00, and take the elevator to the stomatology department on the fourth floor. Too absorbed in playing with mobile phones, I sat down on the second floor carelessly and found it was the second floor when I came out. There are so many people in the elevator that they are too lazy to take the elevator again and walk around the escalator in a big circle. At the door of the dentist's office, the doctor was worried. It turned out that the person before my appointment was late. Not only that, the doctor complained that "pulling out a tooth is also a drag on the family". The patients ahead of me took their own children (in the bassinet) and their mother-in-law. No wonder the doctor is angry, but I will also dislike such patients.

The doctor asked me to get the anesthetic, and I went to get it. There was a long queue at the pharmacy on the first floor, but they always got it.

But I went back to the dentist and took the wrong elevator

Finally, I sent the anesthetic to the doctor, but the patient ahead of me had not come back yet. The doctor grumbled and asked me to pull it out first. Pull out two teeth first. The process of tooth extraction is long.

Take anesthetics. A long, long, long needle pierces the alveolar bone and injects the anesthetic into it. I can feel the anesthetic spreading and attacking. Soon, my right chin and right tongue became numb. The doctor began to pull out my tooth. I closed my eyes. They were so closed. The doctor cut the tooth into several segments, used a pair of pliers and a hammer (20000 words are omitted here) to pull it out. It is estimated that it will take 20 minutes.
Look at my broken teeth

After pulling out this horrible tooth, the doctor asked me to bite the cotton ball to stop bleeding. After the blood was temporarily stabilized, the doctor rested for two minutes and began to pull out the upper teeth. The same applies to the anesthetic first, but it is very bitter. It's like drinking traditional Chinese medicine. I have no choice but to endure. The upper tooth was easy to pull out, but the doctor pulled it down in five minutes, with roots and blood. Finally, sew the thread, and then remove it a week later.

This is the end of tooth extraction.


There is still a wound after tooth extraction, and the wound is not healed, and will continue to bleed. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid food and spicy cooking fume. The doctor asked me to remember the following precautions:

  1. Gently spit out the bitten cotton sliver after 30-40 minutes.
  2. Eat 2 hours after tooth extraction, but do not chew food on the side of tooth extraction. On the day of operation, it is advisable to eat warm, cool and soft food instead of spicy, stimulating, hard, sticky and fragile food.
  3. Do not brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, smoke, lick and suck the wound repeatedly on the day of tooth extraction to avoid damaging the blood clot. It is normal for saliva to have a little bloodshot or slightly bloody on the day of tooth extraction. Do not spit. If there is more blood or blood clots in the mouth water, please put clean cotton or gauze on the wound immediately and bite it to come to the hospital for inspection.
  4. Cold counting immediately after operation (buy an old ice lolly to compress the wound after spitting out the tampon) can reduce pain and swelling. Patients with bleeding tendency should be observed for 1~2 hours after tooth extraction. If there is a wound suture, come back for stitches removal one week later.
  5. Antibiotics and analgesics should be taken orally for patients with acute inflammation, poor general condition or large tooth extraction wound.
  6. Do not brush your teeth until 24 hours later. Do not brush your wounds or rinse your teeth. Cold compress within 24 hours and heat up after 24 hours.

I made the following summary:

  • Tooth extraction doesn't hurt. Really, it doesn't hurt at all
  • If you also have impacted teeth like mine, please go to the hospital as soon as possible
  • The total cost of tooth extraction is about 1.6k
  • So don't pull out a tooth if you have nothing to do

Our slogan is: No cavities!