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be careful: Solution for opening the theme or plug-in to display "illegal authorization file": https://www.daolt.com/post/8051.html

Sell this Template Authors authorized! Purchase on this site is more favorable than the official!

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What is MIP???

MIP (Mobile Instant Pages - Mobile Page Accelerator) is an open technical standard applied to mobile pages. Realize mobile web page acceleration by providing MIP-HTML specification, MIP-JS running environment and MIP-Cache page cache system.

MIP is mainly organized into three parts:

MIP-HTML: Based on the basic tags in HTML, a new specification has been formulated, which enables HTML to display more rich content by limiting the use of some basic tags or extending their functions.

MIP-JS: It can ensure the quick rendering of MIP-HTML pages.

MIP Cache: used to cache MIP pages to further improve page performance.

As above Baidu According to the official definition of MIP, although Baidu has canceled the lightning icon on the mobile terminal some time ago, this does not affect Baidu's lightning algorithm and will continue to encourage it, so our first Baidu MIP luxury theme came into being.

Update description: 20/03/06

V、 Fix the bug of wrong navigation label interface at the bottom of theme setting.

V、 Optimize the adaptive display effect of some divs.

Update description: 20/02/11

V、 Fix the bug with the wrong number of recommended calls at the bottom of the article page (8 articles are called regularly).

Update description: 12/12

V、 Fix the bug where the title bar is occasionally misplaced.

V、 Delete QQ, browse and other modules on the right, and only retain the function of returning to the top, because other modules will cause page disorder and cannot be aligned!

Update description: 04/11

v、 Fixed the bug without a text box after the mobile comment enabled the verification code.

Update description: 04/04

v、 Fix the bug that failed to load article data in the sidebar of the search page.

Update description: 03/27

v、 Update the Orson icon style sheet (delete the original Ali icon code because it is incompatible with the previous icon).

v、 Optimize the side bar call mode from the original database call to the cache txt file, reducing the number of database requests (from the original 30 requests to 18, testing the website)

v、 Optimize the logo and other icons with more "/" slash bugs, and optimize the replaced source code.

be careful:

To enable the theme, first download the official "MIP Support Plug in". The settings are as follows: automatic insertion of Canonical tags cannot be enabled, otherwise errors may occur in the verification.

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

After setting, let's see the related functions and introductions of the theme:

1. Perfect support for mip and upgrade the latest version of Baidu MIPv2.0, which will continue to upgrade and keep pace with Baidu.

2. Perfect self adaptation, perfect display of mobile terminal and Ipad test;

3. Add some Baidu component special effects, such as: carousel, navigation ceiling, list visual scrolling special effects and sidebar follow down effect.

4. Combining some interface styles of dreamer and koi theme, the sidebar boldly adopts TAB switching and adapts to the latest timeline display effect;

5. You can customize the list thumbnail;

6. Keep the comments and all functions of Z-BlogPHP (there should be applause here);

7. Article Page Picture Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

Article page:

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

The latest V2.0 version of all standard configurations:

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you fast experience

Screenshot of theme background settings, function settings:

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

Advertising settings:

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

Basic settings:

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

Screenshots of some pages: Home page

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

Article page (message):

 Zblog Baidu MIP luxury theme Lightlee gives you a quick experience

Please experience more functions slowly. Demo website: http://mip.001666.cn/ (The demo station uses plug-ins, which may have wrong versions or incompatibilities. The website problem is not a topic BUG, and the customer site will be used as the demo station later. Please know)

The old website may cause verification failure after enabling Baidu MIP theme. For specific solutions, please refer to“ Tutorial for zblog website to transform Baidu MIP ”(The article is being updated. Please check later if there are any errors.)


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