WordPress Plugin Big File Uploads that Breaks the Host Limit on Uploading File Size

WordPress Plugin Big File Uploads that Breaks the Host Limit on Uploading File Size

The Big File Uploads plug-in is a WordPress plug-in that can break through the server's restrictions on the size of files uploaded in the background of the website. Through this plug-in, you can set any value of the size of files allowed to be uploaded within the disk space capacity, and use the file block upload mechanism to effectively avoid server timeout errors. Generally, virtual hosts used by websites have size limits and timeout limits for uploading files from websites. Even ECS has default file size limits. Of course, ECS can manually modify the server
WordPress plug-in 760 ℃
 WordPress simple Ajax calendar gadget plug-in Ajax Archive Calendar

WordPress simple Ajax calendar gadget plug-in Ajax Archive Calendar

The Ajax Archive Calendar plug-in is a simple WordPress calendar gadget plug-in, which is an alternative to the WordPress default calendar gadget. The main difference between the default calendar gadget and the Ajax Archive Calendar plug-in is that it is an Ajax calendar view that does not refresh the year and month articles, and supports the WPML plug-in. In general, it is not very useful. After all, it is rare to see sites using the WordPress calendar gadget. But now that you see this plug-in, you can share it. The plug-in makes
WordPress plug-in 1590 ℃
 WordPress website monitoring data rich dashboard plug-in System Dashboard

WordPress website monitoring data rich dashboard plug-in System Dashboard

The various information modules displayed on the WordPress default dashboard are monotonous and have little effect on the whole. If you want to know more detailed content data, such as how many categories, labels, media libraries and other information, you need to open the corresponding management interface one by one to view it. The display is not convenient, and the WordPress plug-in System Dashboard is used to solve this inconvenience. Plug in Introduction The System Dashboard plug-in provides a new dashboard for displaying monitoring Wor
WordPress plug-in 1418 ℃
 WordPress article content automatic voice reading plug-in Hylsay Text Reading

WordPress article content automatic voice reading plug-in Hylsay Text Reading

Hylsay Text Reading plug-in is a wordpress plug-in that is developed based on Baidu speech synthesis and can automatically read the content of articles. With this plug-in, the content of articles on websites can be read and played like audio novels, which is more suitable for some types of reading websites, such as children's stories, novel websites, etc. Plug in use 1. Go to the following website to apply for Baidu voice synthesis APIkey. http://ai.baidu.com/tech/speech/ 2. From
WordPress plug-in 2487 ℃
 WordPress article or category alias automatic conversion pinyin or English plug-in Wenprise Pinyin Slug

WordPress article or category alias automatic conversion pinyin or English plug-in Wenprise Pinyin Slug

The Wenprise Pinyin Slug plug-in is a WordPress plug-in that can name Chinese article aliases, category aliases, and picture files as English, Pinyin Quanpin, or the first letter of Pinyin. as everyone knows, WordPress uses a fixed link with an alias structure. When adding an article, the permanent link will use the article title by default, while the Chinese language will be transcoded in the url, lacking readability. Although it can be manually edited and modified to other characters such as Pinyin or English, it is a bit rough to manually edit and modify every time an article is published
WordPress plug-in 1917 ℃
 WordPress article insertion link Add nofollow attribute setting plug-in Title and Nofollow For Links

WordPress article insertion link Add nofollow attribute setting plug-in Title and Nofollow For Links

Use the TinyMCE editor to edit an article to insert a link. In the Insert or Edit Link window of the link option, entering the target URL option can only set the URL, link text, and select whether to open the link in a new tab. There are two important attributes that are said to play an important role in SEO, title and rel, which are obviously unacceptable to some users, Therefore, it is very important to supplement the settings of these two attributes. The solution is to add or modify code, and install related plug-in implementations. Blog Bar Fen
WordPress plug-in 1733 ℃

Solution to the problem that the wordpress sitemap.xml generation plug-in does not support custom article types

Many wordpress Chinese sites use Baidu Sitemap Generator, a Baidu map generation plug-in in Liucheng, to generate Baidu sitemap sitemap.xml files. Although the plug-in has not been updated for a long time, it can still be used normally, but it does not support wordpress's user-defined article types, However, most themes now use wordpress custom article types to manage some special content, such as products, photo albums, etc. This leads to that when submitting URLs to Baidu, the URLs of these content will not appear in the sitemap.xml file, which will affect Baidu's collection of websites to some extent. Now wait
 Wordpress Custom Taxonomy Order Plug in

Wordpress Custom Taxonomy Order Plug in

In project development, there is often a need to adjust the display order of the website foreground classification list. WordPress does not provide a user-defined sorting function for the classification. To adjust the classification and sorting in the background, the foreground output in order needs to edit the function code or use the WordPress plug-in. The previous blog recommended several plug-ins for customizing the sorting of wordpress classification tags. Here's another Wordpress custom taxonomy order plug-in
WordPress plug-in 2167 ℃
 Wordpress Regenerate Thumbnails

Wordpress Regenerate Thumbnails

The website page revision may adjust the scale of the page thumbnail display size, so the original thumbnail size in the background media settings is no longer suitable for the new layout. It is obviously not suitable to upload images one by one, especially when there are a large number of images. Then a WordPress plug-in that can regenerate thumbnails in batch is necessary. The Regenerate Thumbnails plug-in can regenerate thumbnails in batch or individually with one click, which is very convenient. (More...)
WordPress plug-in 1696 ℃
 Wordpress Classified Article Overall Transfer Classified Plug in Bulk Move

Wordpress Classified Article Overall Transfer Classified Plug in Bulk Move

Wordpress has too many categories and articles are too scattered. What should I do if I want to integrate articles of multiple categories? You can use the Bulk Move plug-in. The wordpress plug-in Bulk Move can migrate the whole classified articles to another category, and the articles will not appear in the original category and the new category at the same time. The plug-in also supports the migration of tags, custom taxonomies, and tag classifications, which is very convenient for integrating website content. (More...)
WordPress plug-in 1652 ℃
 Wordpress navigation menu Add personalized icon plug-in Menu Image

Wordpress navigation menu Add personalized icon plug-in Menu Image

Set the navigation bar through the menu function under the background appearance of wordpress. By default, plain text menu text is supported, or font icons (such as fontawesome) are used when inputting html code. If you want to add the function of uploading icon images to the navigation menu, you can do so through the wordpress plug-in Menu Image. Using the Menu Image plug-in, the picture upload function will be added in the menu setting panel under the appearance, which supports the setting of two different icons for the
WordPress plug-in 4292 ℃
 Wordpress Custom Post Order Plug in

Wordpress Custom Post Order Plug in

Wordpress articles are sorted by the publishing time by default, and the background does not provide custom article sorting settings. To adjust the article sorting, you need to either modify the publishing time or modify the theme code, which is obviously not flexible enough. The Simple Custom Post Order plug-in is a wordpress plug-in that allows users to freely adjust the order of articles by dragging and dropping. Users can change the display order of articles without configuring them. Posts and custom posts are supported
WordPress plug-in 1983 ℃
 Wordpress Custom Category Label Sorting Plug in WP Term Order

Wordpress Custom Category Label Sorting Plug in WP Term Order

By default, Wordpress classification directories and labels do not support user-defined sorting, but can be implemented through plug-ins. WP Term Order is a wordpress plug-in that allows users to sort the website's categories and labels freely. It is simple to use and easy to operate. It supports drag sorting and manual entry of serial numbers. (More...)
WordPress plug-in 2908 ℃