Hainan areca

Areca catechu of Hainan's ancient characteristic economy

"Fresh betel nuts and salt betel nuts all come out of Hainan." "Quanguang collects tens of thousands of min of taxes from merchants and traders, but Hainan is the largest one." - Zhao Rushi of the Song Dynasty, All Fan Zhi; "Qiong people live by betel nuts. Those who are over the age of Fujian and Guangdong don't know how many millions of betel nuts are." - Wang Xiangzhi of the Song Dynasty, "Yu Di Ji Sheng"

 Hainan areca nut bears fruit

In 2020, the price of Hainan areca fruit will be injured like a "roller coaster" industry

Since Hainan areca nuts became mature and listed in July this year, the purchase price has soared from the initial 5 yuan/kg to 19 yuan/kg, the highest purchase price in history. Many insiders use the word "crazy" to describe it.

 Hainan areca nut

High quality Hainan areca may become a new way for farmers in Hainan to become rich

The so-called thing is rare, not to mention the top-grade Wanning areca. As a result of the large-scale acquisition of areca enterprises, until the end of November last year, the highest purchase price of areca in Wanning, Hainan had reached 1113 yuan/kg, which was a big difference from the previous 14 years when it was only 0.3 yuan/kg. In such a frenzied wave of acquisitions, one of the betel nut enterprises has aroused public concern.

 Hunan Areca catechu

What are the characteristics of Hunan areca? What's the difference between Taiwan areca and Hainan areca?

Hunan does not produce areca, but Taiwan and Hainan do. But Hainan people don't eat dry ones, they eat green fruits. Hunan people eat areca from Xiangtan. Hunan does not produce areca but likes to eat it. What are the characteristics of areca in Hunan? What's the difference between Taiwan areca and Hainan areca?

 The purchase price of Hainan areca in 2018 exceeded 20 yuan per kilogram

The purchase price of Hainan areca in 2018 exceeded 20 yuan per kilogram

Since September, areca nuts have been gradually harvested and listed in our province. On September 12, a reporter from Hainan Daily learned from his visit that the current price of fresh areca nuts is gratifying, with the purchase price of RMB 208 per kilogram, which is generally higher than that of the same period last year, with a year-on-year increase of more than 10%.

 Areca enterprises are thirsty for "fruit", leading Hainan's areca industry to further upgrade

Areca enterprises are thirsty for "fruit", leading Hainan's areca industry to further upgrade

Hunan Laokouzi has always been a group of people who pay great attention to the taste. They have different taste habits and are increasingly picky in the selection of betel nuts. What kind of betel nut is better has always been the topic of discussion after lunch, and the quality and taste of the fruit have also become the hot topic.

 Hainan good areca, Hunan taste king! Buying 70% Wanning Areca Fruit

Hainan good areca, Hunan taste king! Buying 70% Wanning Areca Fruit

In the face of huge market demand, Flavor King Group is thirsty for "fruit". Looking for places, I finally looked at Wanning, Hainan. "The world's betel nut sees Hainan, and Hainan's betel nut sees Wanning". Wanning, awarded as the "Hometown of Areca catechu in China" by the State Forestry Administration, has a production capacity of 23% of the total of the province, and its soil selenium content ranks among the best in the country. The fruit produced here is the real "No. 1 fruit" of betel nut.

 Hainan is the best place for betel nuts in the world, and there are thousands of betel nuts in Hainan

Hainan is the best place for betel nuts in the world, and there are thousands of betel nuts in Hainan

On December 13, the China Hainan Wanning Areca Promotion Conference was successfully held in Haikou, Hainan, the "Hometown of Chinese Areca". Shi Yiyun, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Hainan Provincial Committee and Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, Mo Zhengqun, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture of Hainan Province, Zhang Meiwen, Secretary of Wanning Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Gaoming, Mayor of Wanning Municipal People's Government, and representatives of all cities and counties in Hainan Province attended the promotion meeting. On December 13, Hunan's famous betel nut promotion meeting of Wanning, Hainan, China, was successfully held in Haikou, Hainan, the "hometown of betel nuts in China".

 The purchase price of fresh areca in Hainan Wanning has risen steadily

The purchase price of fresh areca in Hainan Wanning has risen steadily

The reporter learned from the provincial price bureau that from October 1 to November 23, the purchase price of processing quality betel nut fresh fruit of Wanning Branch was at least 827 yuan jin and at most 1113 yuan jin, with a month on month increase of 0 45% and a steady increase in price.

 Hainan promotes the transformation and upgrading of areca industry (figure)

Hainan promotes the transformation and upgrading of areca industry (figure)

Hainan Province recently held a seminar on promoting the transformation and upgrading of Hainan betel nut industry. The provincial ecological environmental protection department, provincial agricultural department, provincial science and technology department and other functional units, Hainan Areca Association, Hunan Areca Association, five areca deep-processing enterprises and six areca environmental processing equipment manufacturers participated.

 CCTV: No scientific basis for areca carcinogenesis; Hainan areca has no toxic side effects

CCTV: No scientific basis for areca carcinogenesis; Hainan areca has no toxic side effects

The station's "Economic Information Network" program reported Hainan's betel nut industry for two consecutive times, asking whether betel nuts contain carcinogenic ingredients, whether eating betel nuts will lead to cancer and other issues.

 Hainan betel nut industry turns around and plants "money and scenery"

Hainan betel nut industry turns around and grows "money scenery"

Under the influence of Typhoon "Vermasson", the launch of betel nut in Hainan Province was delayed by more than one month compared with previous years. It is understood that the first batch of betel nuts have been listed for just half a month. Compared with the same period last year, the purchase price has doubled, reaching about 4 yuan per kilogram.

 CPPCC member: use science and technology to help Hainan areca industry improve the output and quality of Hainan areca

CPPCC member: use science and technology to help Hainan areca industry improve the output and quality of Hainan areca

On January 25, the first meeting of the seventh Hainan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC was opened. Yang Yaodong, member of the CPPCC Hainan Provincial Committee, pointed out in the Proposal on Strengthening Science and Technology to Support the Promotion of Hainan's Areca Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Proposal) submitted to the conference that Hainan's areca industry is the largest characteristic cash crop in Hainan's planting industry. Using the scientific and technological system to plant Hainan's areca can improve the product quality and make Hainan's areca industry sustainable.

 Hainan areca once saved Xiangtan people

Hainan areca once saved Xiangtan people

There are three theories about the origin of Xiangtan people eating areca, two of which are related to Hainan. One is that Hunan people did not eat betel nuts. Just because one year, Hunan was robbed by a catastrophic flood, a vast ocean.

 Hainan areca industry was praised by CCTV

Hainan areca industry was praised by CCTV

On November 24, the CCTV News Broadcast broadcast Hainan: Green Transformation of Areca Industry, reporting that Hainan Province has vigorously promoted the transformation and upgrading of areca processing industry, which has led to a significant increase in farmers' income

 Hainan promotes financial support for areca farmers and enterprises

Hainan promotes financial support for areca farmers and enterprises

"From July, it will take one month for all banks to compete to see who will issue the most selenium rich betel nut forest right pledge loans, and all the new financial corporate deposits in Wanning City, Hainan Province will be placed in the top three lenders.

 Bioenergy Air Energy was shortlisted for Hainan Areca "Drying Technology Innovation"

Bioenergy Air Energy was shortlisted for Hainan Areca "Drying Technology Innovation"

With the development of science and technology, not only the domestic water heaters are frequently updated, but also in engineering, many brands have launched new products of air energy water heaters, such as the series of air energy dryers. Their overwhelming publicity has attracted people who want to buy drying equipment

 "Hainan areca, Hunan pricing" reflects the Hunan business atmosphere

"Hainan areca, Hunan pricing" reflects the Hunan business atmosphere

As we all know, Hainan is the main producing area of betel nut, but it only accounts for a small part of the big cake of the betel nut market. Hunan, which is not the producing area of raw materials, is the gathering place of betel nut production and processing enterprises, because it steadily occupies the market sales terminal.

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