Hechengtianxia areca

Taste King Areca cancels the winning prize. From March 1, stop scanning all red envelopes, and have another package and other promotional activities!

Important news: In response to the national policy, the relevant regulations of the State Market Supervision Administration have stopped the award-winning marketing of Weiweiwang (Hechengtianxia) Areca, and all awards have been suspended since March 1, with no red envelope returned

 Areca Internet Bar Ground Promotion

Areca Internet Bar Ground Promotion

Consumers know "xx brand" areca, expand the market share of the brand, and cultivate loyal consumers of "xx brand" areca. 1 Target customers: the new generation of young people in Internet cafes are highly receptive to new things. 2 Activity features: Buy 20 bags and give 2 free bags for Internet cafe owners, and so on!

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