home page Chinese wolfberry betel nut Drunken red lock fresh medlar areca 20 yuan pack

Drunken red lock fresh medlar areca 20 yuan pack

Drunken red lock fresh medlar areca 20 yuan pack, net content: 20 grams. Eating lock fresh areca is more enjoyable. Selected pieces, Hainan original fruit, high-quality Chinese wolfberry. It is better to have medlar, the treasure of medlar, which is naturally precious. Follow the process of betel nut and the treasure of medlar; Add precious medlar for better quality; The best way to treat guests is to enjoy them.

 Drunken red medlar areca

Drunken red lock fresh medlar areca 20 yuan pack, net content: 20 grams.

Eating lock fresh areca is more enjoyable. Selected pieces, Hainan original fruit, high-quality Chinese wolfberry.

It is better to have medlar, the treasure of medlar, which is naturally precious. Follow the process of betel nut and the treasure of medlar; Add precious medlar for better quality; The best way to treat guests is to enjoy them.

Production company: Hunan Daidaifu Brand Operation Management Co., Ltd

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/sell/gqbl/49085.html
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