home page Areca agency Endless Taste New Product Tender Seed 6 Yuan Betelnut Recruitment Agent

Endless Taste New Product Tender Seed 6 Yuan Betelnut Recruitment Agent

Qiwei Infinite Areca is a small and beautiful new betel nut product that Hunan Qiwei Infinite Technology Co., Ltd. spent a lot of money to create. It focuses on the 6 yuan market for betel nuts, and has the original flavor and coffee flavor.

Delicious Areca catechu It is a small and beautiful new areca product created by Hunan Qiwei Infinite Technology Co., Ltd. with a large amount of money. It focuses on the market of 6 yuan for areca, and has original taste and coffee taste.

Investment hotline: nineteen billion three hundred and thirty million two hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-six (Click the number to make a call/long press the number to copy and add WeChat)

 Delicious Areca catechu

    Interested in this product? Please leave a message for free sample application!

     Delicious Areca catechu

    Service telephone: 0731-58399985 (Click the number to make a call)

    Select the best Hainan tender seeds, release the masseter muscle, less damage, more delicious and juicy, but tender seeds are not equal to small seeds.

     Delicious Areca catechu

    Not all small seeds are tender seed areca. The steaming process makes the areca more attractive!

     Delicious Areca catechu

     Delicious Areca catechu

    12 pieces of refined areca in a bag, which is cost-effective.

     Delicious Areca catechu

     Delicious Areca catechu

    10 pieces of coffee areca in a bag, which is worth much.

    It is suggested to post a price tag of 10 yuan and 2 bags for non awarding, and the dealer's terminal delivery price is suggested to be 4.5 yuan.

    Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/invest/bldl/49097.html
     Shangde Maotai Areca

    Shangde Maotai Areca

     Hecheng areca

    Hecheng areca


    Author: Delicious Areca catechu

    Delicious betel nut investment hotline: nineteen billion three hundred and thirty million two hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-six (Click the number to make a call) WeChat: 19330223156 (long press to copy WeChat)

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