home page Areca agency Ask about the latest masterpiece of the company in 2022 [Tiger Head Sect] Areca is popular for investment

Ask about the latest masterpiece of the company in 2022 [Tiger Head Sect] Areca is popular for investment

Hutou Bang (Hutou Bang) series areca is the latest masterpiece of Wenwen Company in 2022 after the Hi Fruit series, Wenwen series, Chaoren series, and 95 Zun series. It is a brand new medium end consumption areca product.

Hutou Bang (Hutou Bang) series areca is the latest masterpiece of Wenwen Company in 2022 after the Hi Fruit series, Wenwen series, Chaoren series, and 95 Zun series. It is a brand new medium end consumption areca product.

 Tiger Head Sect Betel Nut

 Tiger Head Sect Betel Nut

Five major initiatives are groundbreaking

1. "Salesman ≠ free porter"
Salesman cashing tickets will be subsidized by 150 yuan/piece, and the salesman brother will no longer be used as a free porter

2. "The company pays every lottery ticket"
The store no longer has to worry about finding a salesperson to redeem the prize. The ticket can be exchanged by the salesperson or sent back to the company. The company promises to redeem the prize in 10 packages to eliminate any remaining problems.

3. "Bihuo's Crazy Promotion"
The real 16 pieces+the real 50% One more pack

4. "Breaking the pressure of unsalable sales=risk coverage"
Dealers of temporary products will add 1 yuan/bag to exchange with the company, and the company with unsalable risk will pay the bill
(limited to 30 days before the market, and products with shelf life less than 30 days)

5. "Unite shopkeepers=Unite the best promoters"
50% plus 3 yuan for another package. When the salesperson redeems the prize ticket, the company will make up 1 yuan/piece of promotion fee for the shopkeeper. (The first 3 months)

Ordering threshold:
1. The deposit is 5000 yuan (not to be collected repeatedly);
2. At present, there are more than 5 full-time teams;
3. More than 500 existing outlets;
4. Capital verification of 100000 yuan.

 Tiger Head Sect Betel Nut

 Tiger Head Sect

 Tiger Head Sect

 Tiger Head Sect

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/invest/bldl/49037.html
 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

 Hecheng areca

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