home page Areca agency Xiangrun Tiancheng Green Fruit Areca is a national hot investment attraction

Xiangrun Tiancheng Green Fruit Areca is a national hot investment attraction

Xiangrun Tiancheng areca is a areca brand owned by Hainan Xiangrun areca processing Co., Ltd. It has developed three series of products specifically for the market of green fruit refining, coffee and medlar areca, with different prices of 6 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan and 50 yuan respectively, for consumers and areca lovers to choose.

Xiangrun Tiancheng areca It is a betel nut brand of Hainan Xiangrun Betel Nut Processing Co., Ltd. It has developed three series of products specifically for the market of green fruit refining, coffee and medlar betel nut, with different prices of 6 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan and 50 yuan respectively, for consumers and betel nut lovers to choose.

Welcome the national areca dealers and friends who want to enter the black gold industry of areca food to call for samples, and send samples for free nationwide!

 Xiangrun Tiancheng areca

The company has many years of experience in the betel nut industry. The "Xiangrun Tiancheng" series of coffee betel nuts, a cost-effective, high-quality green fruit betel nut product, is soft and mellow in the mouth, long and refreshing, chewy and more powerful; People can't stop chewing!

Xiangrun Tiancheng Areca Video I

Xiangrun Tiancheng Areca Video II

 Xiangrun Tiancheng areca

 Xiangrun Tiancheng areca
Hainan high-quality raw fruits are used as raw materials and carefully selected; In order to ensure the pure taste, the core process part still insists on using traditional craftsmen to make the "Xiangrun Tiancheng" areca nut, which has a unique taste: no residue, no burning, pure and soft, and long-lasting.

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/invest/bldl/48999.html
 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

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Message list (2)

  1. The high-quality coffee flavored betelnut is worthy of the reputation of one of the best.

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