Chuntian Sunshine Areca catechu

Hunan Tengluo Food Commander and Chuntian Sunshine Green Fruit Areca are invited to join

Hunan Tengluo Food Technology Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Xiangtan Laoye Food Co., Ltd. We have successively launched "Chuntian Sunshine" green fruit refining products, "Commander" coffee products, and "Chuntian Sunshine" green fruit medlar products. At present, the response of the market sales is very good, which is very popular with consumers.

 Coffee areca

Master Commander Coffee areca 10 yuan pack

Spring field sunshine leader coffee areca 10 yuan pack, open the bag to find prizes. Long term excessive chewing is harmful to oral health. This product is produced by Hunan Tengluo Food Technology Co., Ltd.

 Chuntian Sunshine medlar areca

Master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Areca 30 yuan pack

The master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Betel Nut is 30 yuan, which has been handed down for thousands of years and carries the footprints of the old city. Fresh Chinese wolfberry areca is a lasting appeal. Open the bag to seek rewards. This product is produced by Hunan Tengluo Food Technology Co., Ltd.

 Chuntian Sunshine medlar areca

Master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Areca 20 yuan pack

My lord Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Betel Nut is 20 yuan, which has been handed down for thousands of years and carries the footprints of the old city. Fresh Chinese wolfberry areca is a lasting appeal. Open the bag to seek rewards. This product is produced by Hunan Tengluo Food Technology Co., Ltd.

 Chuntian Sunshine medlar areca

Master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Areca 15 yuan pack

The master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Betel Nut is 15 yuan, which has been handed down for thousands of years and carries the footprints of the old city. Fresh Chinese wolfberry areca is a lasting appeal. Open the bag to seek rewards. This product is produced by Hunan Tengluo Food Technology Co., Ltd.

 Chuntian Sunshine medlar areca

Master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Areca 10 yuan pack

The master Chuntian Sunshine Chinese Wolfberry Betel Nut is 10 yuan, which has been handed down for thousands of years and carries the footprints of the old city. Fresh Chinese wolfberry areca is a lasting appeal. Open the bag to seek rewards. This product is produced by Hunan Tengluo Food Technology Co., Ltd.

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