home page Industry information Buying betel nuts is still on the shelf, and Langbaiwang was maliciously suppressed by its peers as soon as it came into the market?

Buying betel nuts is still on the shelf, and Langbaiwang was maliciously suppressed by its peers as soon as it came into the market?

The video shows that a salesperson wearing red clothes of a betel nut brand, without paying, took advantage of his unpreparedness and went straight along with the only few bags of betel nuts on the shelf.

In the middle of last month, a betel nut brand called Langbaiwang went on the market. For ordinary people, it should be a good thing that consumers have more choices in the taste and quality of betelnut. Unexpectedly, within half a month of its listing, Langbaiwang Areca encountered "big trouble".

Recently, many consumers said that it was not easy to buy this new Langbaiwang product.

It turned out that a convenience supermarket in Weining County, Guizhou Province, constantly received feedback from consumers that it was unable to buy this new product (Langbaiwang), and every time it came to the store, it was empty. The canteen can only see empty shelves, and some even have no shelves. Is the new product hot or something else? A few days ago, the author received a consumer report that there was something strange behind the incident.

"Out of stock? Nonexistent". After consulting the relevant dealers of Langbaiwang Areca, the author said that they would strictly guarantee the availability of products in the channel every day. The so-called saying that "Langbaiwang Areca is out of stock when it is listed" is not true.

"Since the launch of Langbaiwang Areca in October, we have prepared the sales volume for nearly a month, but recently it has been sold out for no reason, so the store frequently ran out of goods, and consumers wanted to buy but could not buy it, so we had no way." According to the author, after learning about the situation from the supermarket, the supermarket owner had no choice but to shake his head, which led to the real reason for the shortage of Langbaiwang Areca, They were maliciously bought out by a betel nut brand, even along with the product shelf.

"They bought out our store's Langbaiwang, and also walked along our shelves. What's more, they stole products and display boxes directly", the supermarket owner said, which was later confirmed in the surveillance video in the supermarket. The video shows that a salesman wearing red clothes of a betel nut brand, without paying, took advantage of his unpreparedness, and went straight along with the only few bags of betel nuts on the shelf. "

 Areca shelf

Supermarket owners are very angry about this behavior. Although they have mastered the relevant evidence, they still take a relatively mild approach. The main reason is that considering that the salesperson should also have been inspired by the upper level, and the relevant information is still being investigated, the supermarket temporarily holds a reserved attitude.

"What's more, it's not an individual phenomenon to encounter this kind of thing these days. Not only our family, but also other families have encountered such malicious short buying." The supermarket owner also revealed that the original means of suppression is not just to buy empty shelves. A salesperson of a betel nut brand also secretly provided a "special" display agreement to many businesses. According to the agreement, the merchant shall guarantee the first priority of a betel nut brand, and shall not sell the new brand of Langbaiwang betel nut. As long as the merchants are willing to sign this agreement, they can immediately receive a reward of 300 yuan per month.

According to the author's visit, hundreds of stores have received the exclusive agreement in the area of the convenience supermarket alone. "We also don't understand why we should be exclusive. Our business people don't care about making such money. They still hope that the industry will develop more healthily and orderly, and consumers will have more choices."

It turned out that Hunan Huayi Food had an insight into market opportunities, upgraded product quality, and officially launched the brand "Langbaiwang" in October this year. A simple, pure and more manly betel nut "abandoning grapes and wolfberries" came out, allowing consumers to intuitively understand the difference between Langbaiwang betel nut and other peer brands - return to the pure taste of betel nut and the essence of demand for chewing betel nut, Provide more authentic areca products.

In addition, in terms of taste, fruit, quality and refreshing effect, it has the characteristics of simplicity, purity and returning to the product itself, which greatly improves the three core experiences of consumers in chewing, drinking and eating betel nut.

It is also a series of actions of the brand new launch of Langbaiwang areca and the hot selling trend of its products after the launch that make the areca industry feel the strong challenge of Langbaiwang. Only in this way can they face the enemy and try to strangle it in the cradle with a series of improper means, causing the initial sales of the areca to be blocked frequently.

Some betel nut brands have brand advantages and channel advantages that are indeed better than Newborn Langbaiwang today, but it is not a gentleman's pattern to buy out Langbaiwang products, walk along the shelves, and require businesses to sign exclusive agreements and other unfair competition behaviors. It also embarrasses the salesmen, makes the shopkeepers helpless and shocks the consumers, which is against the commercial morality and undermines the fair competition in the market.

The domestic betel nut market has long been a red sea. The birth of Langbaiwang betel nut should be a blessing for the development of the betel nut industry, which means that all enterprises are accelerating the pace of innovation and development, promoting the upgrading and development of the industry with stronger product power, and also providing consumers with more yuan and higher quality product choices.

This time, many unknown consumers were surprised and puzzled by all kinds of strong suppression measures that Langbaiwang Areca suffered at the beginning of its listing. Commercial competition can be understood, but from the perspective of consumers, consumers have the freedom to choose goods. Reasonable commercial competition should never hurt consumers' feelings.

Under the dual pressure of the current economic depression and the upgrading of market consumption, betel nut industry peers should pay more attention to products and services. Such use of unfair competition means will reduce the pattern of enterprises, and may even "kill thousands of enemies and lose eight hundred". After all, the healthy development of the betel nut industry needs the joint maintenance of all betel nut peers to make this cake better and bigger and share more market dividends.

(This article is from Guiyang Tong WeChat video number)

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/article/news/48886.html
 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

 Hecheng areca

Hecheng areca


Author: Areca joining

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