home page Industry information 10 yuan, 3 bags of high fruit areca are popular in China

10 yuan, 3 bags of high fruit areca are popular in China

[Hi Fruit Betelnut] is a delicious and inexpensive betelnut product produced by Hunan Wenwen Food Co., Ltd., giving up the practice of profiteering, so that consumers of betelnut can think about the value and price of betelnut and become the most popular brand of betelnut. Now open the national investment attraction! Welcome friends from dealers all over the world to call for consultation

[Hi Fruit Betelnut] is a delicious and inexpensive betelnut product produced by Hunan Wenwen Food Co., Ltd., giving up the practice of profiteering, so that consumers of betelnut can think about the value and price of betelnut and become the most popular brand of betelnut.

 Hi Fruit Areca

 Hi Fruit Areca

Now open the national investment attraction! Welcome dealers from all over the country to inquire about areca samples and visit the company!

Hi Fruit Betelnut breaks the industry profits, is honest and pragmatic, and sincerely saves money for consumers!

Three packs a day is only 10 yuan! Good fruit, large quantity, really!

Sales strategy: ultra-high cost performance breaks through consumers' psychological expectations to win recognition, and sincerity and pragmatism win respect.

Pricing strategy: 3.5 yuan per package or 10 yuan per package

There is no market without money, only people without money. We provide nanny service for dealers and go all out to support their success!

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/article/news/48822.html
 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

 Hecheng areca

Hecheng areca


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