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Investment requirements of betel nut industry

The investment requirements of the betel nut industry are different from those of other industries. Friends who know betel nuts know that they are also fast moving consumer goods. For example, the shelf life of tobacco and betel nuts is only two months

The investment requirements of the betel nut industry are different from those of other industries. Friends who know betel nuts know that they are also fast moving consumer goods. For example, the shelf life of tobacco betel nuts is only two months, and that of green betel nuts is three months. The reason why the shelf life of green betel nuts is one month longer than that of tobacco betel nuts is that, The reason is that the green fruit areca is packaged independently and vacuum packed, while the tobacco fruit areca is not packaged independently and vacuum packed, and the shelf life is only two months.  

If you want to be a betel nut agent, you need to meet the requirements of the agent. Generally, those who have done FMCG have their own sales outlets (outlets refer to supermarkets, snack bars, Internet cafes, bars, KTV, etc.) Only with enough outlets can we enter the betel nut industry better, so that we can shop in outlets more timely after we get the goods, and will not expire because there is no distribution channel for the products.  

At least you can see the prospects, market space and profits of the betel nut industry, and have confidence to occupy the local market, not because you can see others become rich by acting as an agent. If you don't love the industry or have no confidence in the industry, I can only say that you are not suitable for being an betel nut agent. As the saying goes, "One line loves one line", If you don't believe or love this industry, how can you do a good job in this industry, how can you see the profits, and how can you become rich as a betel nut agent.  

As an agent, you can only see whether you have confidence to make areca a better product in the local market and see the prospect of areca. If there is no such thing, then I can only say that the areca industry has no chance with you.

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/article/news/266.html
 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

 Hecheng areca

Hecheng areca


Author: Areca joining

Investment hotline: thirteen billion two hundred and seventy-eight million eight hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-five (Click the number to make a call) WeChat: 13278825735 (long press to copy WeChat)

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