home page Industry information What is the reason for Taste King Areca to become an industry leader

What is the reason for Taste King Areca to become an industry leader

In the early 1990s, betel nut, as a leisure food, began to evolve from small workshops to modern production. At that time, there was no place for the taste king among the seven major betel nut producers. As a rising star, the taste king started in the late 1990s. But in just a few years, it has been the leading position in the betel nut industry. What on earth makes the taste king stand out from the crowd? Today, I come to pick up the core magic weapon of the rapid growth of the taste king. One is unique

In the early 1990s, betel nut, as a leisure food, began to evolve from small workshops to modern production. At that time, there was no place for the taste king among the seven major betel nut producers. As a rising star, the taste king started in the late 1990s. But in just a few years, it has been the leading position in the betel nut industry. What on earth makes the taste king stand out from the crowd? Today, I come to pick up the core magic weapon of the rapid growth of the taste king.

1、 Based on the unique taste

The most important reason why Flavor King can become the leader of the betel nut industry in just a few years lies in its understanding of consumers and clear product positioning. As early as more than ten years ago, the whole betel nut industry market was dominated by Hunan. Hunan people had a strong demand for the taste of betel nuts and always liked smoked food, so almost all betel nuts at that time were smoked fruits. At that time, the market situation of tobacco and fruit was very good, but in fact, after being smoked, areca was not good for health, and the smoking method also caused great environmental pollution. When Taste King saw this, he gave up following the trend of making tobacco fruit and focused on a new field - green fruit. Green fruit is smoke-free, which is not only healthy but also environmentally friendly. At the same time, it also avoids the fierce competition in the tobacco and fruit market, and works hard in the green fruit vacant land to cultivate this good land. In addition, the taste of green fruits is lighter, which may be more acceptable to the first eaters, making it easier for consumers outside Hunan to accept. Throughout the history, many enterprises blindly follow the trend at the beginning of their establishment, thinking that if others succeed, they will succeed. As a result, the products just launched are subject to fierce competition as soon as they go on the market, and eventually die young. So it may be vital to think about places that others have not considered, and concentrate on making breakthroughs in these places.

2、 Because they dare to jump out of the Red Sea

The success of Taste King should be attributed to the unique taste of the product and the correct marketing strategy. As early as the taste king first entered the Jianghu, the main battlefield of the whole betel nut industry focused on Hunan. All the seven heroes of the betel nut industry gathered in Hunan during the Warring States Period, and the whole betel nut market in Hunan was covered with gunpowder. King of Taste tried his best to open a market in Yueyang, Hunan Province, but facing the betel nut giants who have accumulated for decades, they are still too vulnerable and their future is uncertain. At this moment, Taste King made a very wise choice, that is, to jump out of Hunan, to develop outside, and then to return to Hunan after saving energy. So the taste king betel nut started its "Long March". Taking Guangdong, the main gathering place for migrant workers in Hunan, as a breakthrough, after several years of cultivation, Guangdong has become a hot market for Taste King. After Guangdong's success, Taste King copied this model to the whole country, and from then on, it has fought for a bright future. At present, Flavor King has sold well in 31 provinces and cities nationwide, more than twice the size of the second in the industry. Across the country, the sales of Flavor King areca are far ahead in Hunan, the main areca sales area, and Hainan, the country of origin. So in the market, you should think out. When your energy is not enough, it is better to go to an area where your competitors are relatively weak, and use your advantages to accumulate energy in the blue ocean and make a breakthrough.

3、 Based on the harsh quality

In addition to the clear product positioning and marketing strategy, another very important factor for the success of Taste King is the quality of its products. Taste King's people focus on quality is extraordinary, which can be described as demanding and picky. All raw materials are high-quality Hainan areca nuts. After three steps of selection, the early seed selection rate is 2%, and after the middle and late screening, the average seed selection rate is less than 1%. Each piece of areca must be carefully processed by areca experts and made through 18 secret processes to ensure that each piece delivered to consumers is a high-quality product. There is a saying in Taste King that "no quality, no marketing", so the ultimate pursuit of quality by Taste King people is also one of the keys to success. No matter how ambitious the strategy is and how professional the marketing is, an enterprise cannot achieve its strategic goals without the support of good products.

4、 Based on the insistence on innovation

As an industry benchmark, Taste King shoulders the responsibility of a betel nut leader and leads the betel nut industry to continue to innovate. In terms of technology, in 2005, Flavor King officially cancelled the soil oven and roasted seeds in an electric oven, effectively solving the pollution problem in the process of betel nut baking. In 2011, Taste King began to try steam baking, completely changing the original way of betel nut smoke and fire baking. In 2013, Flavor King first used the two-dimensional code tracking system of betel nut to enable consumers to query the quality of betel nut through the two-dimensional code, which is another initiative in the history of betel nut development. In terms of products, Flavor King is the first in the industry to promote green fruit betel nut, single piece independent vacuum, vertical packaging and iron box betel nut. It can be said that Taste King has made unparalleled outstanding contributions to the technical upgrading of betel nut industry.

Of course, the success of Taste King is not only in the above four aspects, but the success of an enterprise can not be separated from these four keys. The more competitive the environment is, the more you need to clarify yourself, find your own key, and focus on breakthroughs to gain growth opportunities!

Special statement: This article is uploaded and published by the author of the We Media Platform of China Areca Net, and only represents the author's opinion. China Areca website only provides information release platform. Please indicate the source for reprinting: https://www.bingzhihuang.com/article/news/10640.html
 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

 Hecheng areca

Hecheng areca


Author: Areca joining

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