home page Entrepreneurial story Binzhilang, an outstanding private entrepreneur in Xiangtan, Chen Xiao: The other country is my hometown

Binzhilang, an outstanding private entrepreneur in Xiangtan, Chen Xiao: The other country is my hometown

Her name is Chen Xiao, the head of Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd., and no one would have thought that such a Jiangsu and Zhejiang woman who speaks the soft language of Wu Nong is one of the pioneers in Xiangtan betel nut industry who jumped out of the traditional manual mode and went to modern industry.

Bin Zhilang Chen Xiao: The other country is my hometown

The inexorable emotional maintenance between Xiangtan people and betel nut not only generates a distinctive local cultural symbol, but also promotes the betel nut industry in Xiangtan, breaking the traditional model and transforming into a modern industry.

Her name is Chen Xiao, the head of Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd., and no one would have thought that such a Jiangsu and Zhejiang woman who speaks the soft language of Wu Nong is one of the pioneers in Xiangtan betel nut industry who jumped out of the traditional manual mode and went to modern industry.

 Chen Xiao

Chen Xiao, female, Chairman and General Manager of Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Entrepreneur Association. Representatives of the 12th and 13th National People's Congress of Hunan Province have successively won the honors of "National March 8th Red Bannerman", "Provincial March 8th Red Bannerman", "Provincial Outstanding People's Congress Representative", "The Most Beautiful Poverty Alleviation Figure" of Hunan Province in 2018, "The Fourth Excellent Chinese Characteristic Socialist Construction Undertaker" of Hunan Province, and "Excellent Entrepreneur" of Hunan Province.

 Chen Xiao

 Chen Xiao

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 Shangde Maotai Areca

Shangde Maotai Areca

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Hecheng areca


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