home page Manufacturer Dynamics Chen Xiao, Chairman of Hunan Binzhilang, the "female benchmark" of Xiangtan betel nut industry, won the National March 8th Red Flag

Chen Xiao, Chairman of Hunan Binzhilang, the "female benchmark" of Xiangtan betel nut industry, won the National March 8th Red Flag

On the eve of the International Women's Day, the All China Women's Federation commended a number of advanced individuals and advanced collectives. Chen Xiao, chairman of Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd., was awarded the honorary title of National March 8th Red Bannerman.

 Bin Zhilang Chen Xiao

Chen Xiao, Chairman of Hunan Binzhilang won the National March 8th Red Flag

 Bin Zhilang Chen Xiao

Chen Xiao said: "Women can hold up half the sky, and 'self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-improvement' is the basic spirit of modern women

On the eve of the International Women's Day, the All China Women's Federation commended a number of advanced individuals and advanced collectives. Chen Xiao, chairman of Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd., was awarded the honorary title of National March 8th Red Bannerman.

In order to commend the advanced, cultivate women's role models, drive hundreds of millions of women with the power of example, and make contributions to the new era with more enthusiasm and high spirited spirit, the All China Women's Federation made a decision on the eve of the International Women's Day, awarding 10 outstanding women, including Yu Liufen, the honorary title of national March 8 Red Flag pacesetters, Wang Kerong and other 299 people were awarded the honorary title of National March 8 Red Flag Player, and 200 units including Beijing Synchronized Swimming Team were awarded the collective honorary title of National March 8 Red Flag.

It is reported that Chen Xiao is the legal person and chairman of Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd., vice chairman of Xiangtan Women Entrepreneurs Association, vice chairman of Xiangtan Entrepreneurs Association, vice chairman of Xiangtan Federation of Industry and Commerce, vice chairman of Hunan Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of Xiangtan Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, executive vice chairman of Hunan Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, and deputy to the 12th National People's Congress of Hunan Province, Hunan female college student entrepreneurship tutor was named the March 8th Red Bannerman of Hunan Province in 2016.

In 1992, Chen Xiao entered Jiaxing Daily and became a reporter. She was innovative, aggressive and brave. In 1995, she resigned from the newspaper office. With her husband coming to Xiangtan from Jiaxing, she founded Xiangtan Binzhilang Food Co., Ltd., the first limited liability company in the betel nut food industry. Since then, she has taken root in Xiangtan and started her long journey of entrepreneurship. In the company's start-up, she visited traditional areca masters all over the world to explore the production technology of areca, invited university professors to study the "modern" production technology of areca, insisted on learning, and asked for advice modestly, finally determined the taste of areca, and Chen Xiao also became an expert in the areca industry from a "layman". In 1996, "Binzhilang" brand betel nut won the first betel nut quality award in Hunan Province with the highest performance, and became the first "Xiangtan Areal Nut Food Processing Demonstration Factory" awarded by Xiangtan Municipal People's Government; In 1998, Binzhilang became the base for formulating local standards for areca in the whole province, and at the same time, it was the first to win the highest honor of areca food quality - Hunan Product Quality Award.

In 2012, the company invested 530 million yuan to build Hunan Binzhilang Food Technology Co., Ltd. in Xiangtan Economic Development Zone, and built the industry's first production base with reference to GMP standards (drug production quality management standards) through scientific and technological innovation. At the same time, the company also invested heavily in building standardized and modern sewage treatment projects and standardized fire safety projects in the base, providing a safe and secure working environment for the company's employees and the production environment around the factory. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, on behalf of Xiangtan City and Hunan Province, we accepted the fire safety inspection of the State Council and the environmental protection supervision and inspection of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Central Environmental Protection Supervision Group.

Chen Xiao and her enterprise's efforts and achievements in innovation were recognized by all sectors of society. In 2015, Binzhilang Technology Center was recognized as the only edible betel nut engineering technology research center in Xiangtan City; In 2016, Binzhilang became the first high-tech enterprise in the betel nut industry; In 2017, the Technology Center was also recognized as the only betel nut processing and food safety engineering technology research center in Hunan Province. In the same year, Binzhilang was jointly recommended by industry leading enterprises as the leader unit of the "Hunan edible betel nut industry technology innovation strategic alliance".

Chen Xiao consciously linked the development of enterprises with the development of the cause of the Party and the country, actively integrated into the new practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, established trade unions and women's organizations, solved more than 20000 women's jobs, and took the lead in setting up party organizations in private enterprises in Xiangtan City, creating a demonstration site for party building in non-public enterprises, and led the work of women's construction with party building. The enterprise has been rated as "Hunan Model Worker's Home" and "Hunan Demonstration Site of Party Building in Non public Economy". In January 2013, Chen Xiaorong was elected as a deputy to the 12th People's Congress of Hunan Province. In 2017, Chen Xiao was elected as the 12th Excellent Representative of Hunan Provincial People's Congress.

Chen Xiao said: "Women can hold up half the sky, and 'self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement' is the basic spirit of modern women; 'based on enterprise development, fulfilling social responsibilities' is the basic responsibility of modern entrepreneurs, and it is also the embodiment of modern entrepreneurship."

The All China Women's Federation hopes that the advanced individuals and collectives to be commended will cherish the honor, carry forward their achievements, keep their original intentions in mind and continue to move forward. With the attitude of struggle, the courage of reform and the ability of innovation, they will earnestly shoulder the historical mission entrusted by the new era and create new achievements for the Party and the people at a new starting point. It is hoped that women throughout the country will follow the example of the national March 8th Red Flag Pacesetter, the national March 8th Red Flag bearer and the national March 8th Red Flag collective, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the times of self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement of contemporary women, walk with the new era, strive for new goals, make contributions to the new journey, and become new women worthy of the great era.

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