When learning Linux, we often explode the machine, and even if we take a snapshot, the recovery can only be the same operating system. So is there an out of the box Linux system generated! Of course, the instantbox I'm going to introduce now is an open source project from a big guy. Based on docker deployment, it can quickly generate N Ubuntu that currently supports various versions, CentOS, Arch Linux, Debian, Fedora and Alpine.


 Use instantbox to build a ready to use Linux system in minutes

 Use instantbox to build a ready to use Linux system in minutes

 Use instantbox to build a ready to use Linux system in minutes

Quick Build Tutorial

1) Install Docker

 #CentOS 6 rpm -iUvh  http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm yum update -y yum -y install docker-io service docker start chkconfig docker on #CentOS 7、 Debian、Ubuntu curl -sSL  https://get.docker.com/  | sh systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker

2) Install Instantbox

 #You will be asked to input port and other information mkdir instantbox && cd $_ bash <(curl -sSL  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantbox/instantbox/master/init.sh ) #Start Container docker-compose up -d

3) Then use ip:port Access. If it cannot be opened, please open the port~

Finally, you can open and delete the system at will. You can set the memory size and usage duration. The interface looks very good. Go and try it quickly. If there are good projects, you can comment and leave a message, and I will share them with you~

4) Provide an online preview address:

Reference link:
Github project address

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