This program comes from the big guy's open source crawler project, which can be crawled mm131 mmjpg Sister picture After you download the pictures, you can automatically publish and build your own picture station. The author of this project is also in long-term maintenance. It seems to be connecting with OneDrive, which is very good. If there are many nutrition express lines, you can build your own personal station to enjoy it.

Open source project address: Click here


 Build your own photo station and collect all kinds of beautiful women's photo stations

Environmental requirements

Python 3.6, MySQL 5.7, Nginx/Apache (not required)

Installation steps

It is recommended to use the Bt panel for installation, which is convenient and fast. Please refer to the reference link to the author's blog for other installation methods
1) Install the bt panel, Baidu, and then install nginx, mysql, and phpmyadmin (optional, you need to install php)

2) Add a site, which is purely static

3) Python 3.6 installation, tutorial reference

4) Python dev installation, tutorial reference

5) The installer depends on. Enter the program directory and enter: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

6) Modify silumz Configuration of database in file (need to use Bt to create database)

 DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'XXXX', 'USER': 'root', 'PASSWORD': 'lcrylcry', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', } }

7) Create the corresponding database and import the sql file under the program directory

8) Enter the program directory to execute the startup command uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini , the site address is ip:8000

9) Set automatic acquisition, and add the following code through the bt panel timing task:

 #!/ bin/bash cd ~/xxxx/crawler && python3

10) If domain name access is required, configure nginx proxy, skim here, and the construction is completed~~

Reference link:
Boss Blog Tutorial

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