Whole process of self use home network transformation plan

Background With more and more home devices, laptops, lithographs, handheld devices, smart home devices and so on are gradually connected to the network, and the requirements for the network are also getting higher and higher. Since October 22, the network environment of residential areas has been transformed. This article mainly records the troubles and steps in these months, hoping to give you some suggestions and help.

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Understand WiFi 6/7 and choosing routers to transform the network in one article

What is WiFi 6Wi Fi 6 (formerly known as IEEE 802.11. ax), the sixth generation wireless network technology, is the name of the Wi Fi standard. Wi Fi Alliance is a wireless LAN technology based on IEEE 802.11 standard. Wi Fi 6 will allow communication with up to 8 devices at a maximum rate of 9.6 Gbps. The first version was released on September 16, 2019, and the second version was released on January 2022. Wi Fi 6 Release 2 improved the uplink and

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Centos shrink home disk space to root directory/operation under

Background The CentOS7 system I built in my old notebook at home is used to run some services. Some time ago, I used samba shared storage to transfer the Xiaomi camera video to my notebook in real time. Recently, I found that the disk is insufficient, because I mount it to the root directory by default. Previously, when installing the operating system, I allocated all the space to the/home directory. Now, the disk space in the root directory is insufficient, I don't want to change the directory, so I plan to free up the space of the/home directory and mount it to the root directory, so I have this article.

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Xiaomi camera combined with Samba shared storage to realize real-time video transfer

Background Last year, a Xiaomi smart camera PTZ 2K version was installed at home, and the built-in Watchman Assistant function was always selected. When it was turned on, it would automatically record video when it detected changes in the image in the detection area, but only 10 seconds of video was supported, and the minimum interval was 3 minutes. If you want to watch playback, it is not supported. If you choose a paid cloud storage package, the annual fee is not low, After thinking for a long time, I found that there is a NAS storage option in the camera settings, so I wanted to try to install a NAS shared storage pair in the old notebook to connect it to the camera for video transfer, so I explored the way.

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Juvenile MV - Mengran

Change your life, make yourself happy, give up your perseverance, the weather will become good. Every time you walk through it, it is a harvest. Let it go. Let it go, regardless of whether it is a joke or a lie. The road is not complicated at the foot. Just remember that you are Wu oh oh Wu oh oh. I am still the former teenager. I haven't changed a bit. Time is just a test Say never never give up

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Be careful that WeChat is blocked! Never help strangers to register or unseal

The WeChat Security Center issued an announcement today, and WeChat attaches great importance to cracking down on violations of laws and regulations in the platform: launched a number of security policies to timely detect and deal with all kinds of violations, and strictly blocked the confirmed illegal accounts; At the same time, in order to prevent bad people from registering WeChat accounts in batches to do evil, WeChat has launched security auxiliary functions in account registration and other links, and strengthened behavior audit. It is reported that the bad guys induce ordinary users to complete various security auxiliary verifications, so as to achieve the purpose of batch registration of WeChat accounts. Recently, the WeChat team found many "push and scan code teams" and set up a stall on the roadside to publicize, claiming that they are "WeChat groups"

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[Elite] The most complete collection of Alipay Five Happiness Strategies in 2020, 15 pieces can be collected every day

Alipay's annual activity of collecting five blessings and dividing 500 million red envelopes has all started. I don't know whether you have synthesized the "five blessings". At present, it is the experience of collecting five blessings summarized by the blogger these days, which can well complete the five blessings in 2020. Here are the N ways to get five blessings summarized by the blogger:

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2019, goodbye 2020, here I come

This year is the same as last year, and a simple review of this year! Every year, we did not update on the 1st on time. Yesterday was the 2nd, and this year was the 3rd. When I wrote this article, I read the summary of last year, and grew a lot. This period of time has been busy with the graduation design. Because the college opened the topic early, we began to prepare from the summer vacation. Until yesterday, we finished the first draft, including the format, and only prepared to check duplicates after the New Year. Although I have been busy all the time, I can see that the banner on the homepage of this year's blog has also changed a happier picture, but it is hard to find, so the PC may not look good because of the adaptation problem

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[Original] A must for Xiaobai to quickly clean up the C disk space

It has been a month since I took care of my blog. Today, I have a little leisure to write a blog article. I have used my PC for 2 years, and there is no software installed on the C drive, The C disk is all occupied. I used the whole 128G solid state as the C disk system disk, and the other disks are 1T mechanical disks, so the capacity cannot be expanded. It's too annoying, so I carried out a troubleshooting to see what text is filling the C disk.

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1024 Programmer's Day Tencent Releases QQ · Linux Version

Today is the day of 1024 programmers. Origin of 1024: The 1024 Programmer's Day is a common festival for programmers. 1024 is the tenth power of 2, one of the basic units of measurement for binary counting. In view of the fact that programmers often work overtime on weekends and stay up late on weekdays, some Internet institutions propose that October 24 every year be the 1024 Programmer's Day, on which they are advised to refuse to work overtime. The first China Global Programmer's Day will be held in Xi'an in 2017. Programmers are like 1024, building this technological world with the most low-key, practical and core functional modules. 1G=1024M

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