The WeChat Security Center issued an announcement today, and WeChat attaches great importance to cracking down on violations of laws and regulations in the platform: launched a number of security policies to timely detect and deal with all kinds of violations, and strictly blocked the confirmed illegal accounts; At the same time, in order to prevent bad people from registering WeChat accounts in batches to do evil, WeChat has launched security auxiliary functions in account registration and other links, and strengthened behavior audit.

It is reported that the bad guys induce ordinary users to complete various security auxiliary verifications, so as to achieve the purpose of batch registration of WeChat accounts.

Recently, the WeChat team found many "push code scanning teams" and set up a stall on the roadside to publicize, claiming that they were "WeChat teams" who were holding promotional activities for security auxiliary functions, luring ordinary users to participate in code scanning by giving free masks, coffee, balloons, water cups and other small gifts, and assisting them to register or unseal WeChat.

 Be careful that WeChat is blocked! Never help strangers to register or unseal

There are also some "online profit platforms", which package auxiliary registration and unsealing as part-time jobs, task assignment and other paid forms to deceive ordinary users into participating in them.

The official WeChat statement has never held such an event. This is a false inducement behavior derived from the criminals to avoid the WeChat security attack. These newly registered and unsealed accounts have spawned a variety of malicious acts such as fraud, junk marketing, false advertising, which have seriously damaged the green and healthy ecological environment of the platform and affected the legitimate rights and interests of normal WeChat users. Such acts will be severely punished.

IT Home learned that the WeChat team will continue to strengthen the fight against violations of laws and regulations, and clearly stipulate in the "WeChat Personal Account Use Specification", Not only "inducing or deceiving others to register and unseal WeChat accounts for themselves for auxiliary verification" is a violation, but "maliciously registering and unsealing WeChat accounts for auxiliary verification" is also a violation

1.2.3 Users shall not maliciously register and use WeChat accounts, such as frequently registering and batch registering WeChat accounts, abusing multiple WeChat accounts, inducing or deceiving others to register WeChat accounts for themselves for auxiliary verification, buying and selling WeChat accounts and related functions, maliciously registering WeChat accounts for others for auxiliary verification, etc.

1.3.3 Unsealing exceptions: for abnormal behaviors in the process of applying for self-service unsealing, such as batch application for unsealing, application for unsealing through machine instructions, submission of false data, fictitious friendship, unsealing by using a third-party online profit platform, inducing or deceiving others to assist in unsealing, Tencent will re seal or permanently seal the unsealed account according to the circumstances; Restrict the use of all or part of WeChat functions, and conduct short-term or long-term account sealing for accounts that assist others to unseal in violation of regulations.

For WeChat accounts that clearly violate the above provisions, in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement, and WeChat Personal Account Use Specification, after verifying the evidence submitted by users' complaints, We will seal or permanently seal the malicious account

At the same time, for those who provide assistance for malicious accounts for many times, once it is verified that they are related, WeChat will also restrict the use of some or all of the functions of the account, short-term or long-term account blocking.

The blogger's voice: We don't need to help others unseal WeChat maliciously for a few tens of dollars, breaking the ecological balance of WeChat account~~

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