Change your life Make yourself happy Give up persistence The weather will become better Every walk It's all a harvest What are you waiting for to make the right choice Past Let it go Never mind whether it's a joke or a lie The road is at the foot It's not complicated Just remember that you are you Wu oh oh Wu oh oh I'm still the boy I used to be No change Time is just a test The belief planted in the heart has not diminished The young man in front It's still the original face No matter how difficult and dangerous we are, we will not retreat Say never never give up Like a fire Wu oh oh Change your life Make yourself happy Give up persistence The weather will become better Every walk It's all a harvest What are you waiting for to make the right choice Past Let it go Never mind whether it's a joke or a lie The road is at the foot It's not complicated Just remember that you are you Miya miya miya miya miya Call me Miya miya miya miya miya I'm still the boy I used to be No change Time is just a test The belief planted in the heart has not diminished The young man in front It's still the original face No matter how difficult and dangerous we are, we will not retreat Say never never give up Like a fire In pursuit of life Come to every light around Let the world because of your existence Become shiny Actually, there is no difference between you, me and him As long as you are willing to hope Draw an imagination On the road of growth Must experience a lot of wind and rain Believe that you will have your own grand event Don't stop your steps because of hardships hold one's own Will have your own blueprint Wu oh oh I'm still the boy I used to be No change Time is just a test The belief planted in the heart has not diminished The young man in front It's still the original face No matter how difficult and dangerous we are, we will not retreat Say never never give up Like a fire I'm still the same boy miya I'm still the same boy miya I'm still the teenager in front of me, miya I'm still the same boy miya

[audio src=" "Preload=" metadata "autoplay=" autoplay "loop=" loop "] Audio playback [/audio]

 Juvenile MV - Mengran