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Docker Nginx adds customized modules


Official document description:


I recompiled according to the official documents for more than ten times without success, until I found such an article on the Internet:

I don't know when, Nginx supports dynamically adding modules load_module , so I went to see it /etc/nginx/modules Directory. I found that the module I compiled was there

Google did not search for a complete Docker in both Chinese and English to add a custom module (or his own statement is incorrect). To avoid stepping on the pit again, I write this article

Here is an example of adding nginx http concat and ngx_cache_purge modules

What I'm talking about here is based on official documents, and then focuses on self packaging to build images

Tips: You need to solve Go to foreign websites "Problems", otherwise there will be some problems in the construction

  1. First create a folder

     mkdir my-nginx cd my-nginx

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