October 2017

1. In the research blog template (such as Typecho WordPress Z-Blog And other blog programs), forum templates (such as Discuz PHPwind You will often see some strange syntax in the template files of other PHP programs, and you will also question whether it can run normally. Of course, the answer is yes: "It can run", such as:

 <? php if(isset($_GET['host']) ==false): ?> $_GET ['host '] variable is<font color="red">empty</font> <? php endif; ?>

For quite a few PHP enthusiasts, they haven't seen it at all. What are these things? Is it the template language imitated PHP developed by blog developers themselves?

No, these are actually PHP syntax, but they are not commonly used. These are all controlled by PHP processes Alternative syntax

Here I will tell you in detail PHP process control Alternative syntax for. What is? Alternative syntax

In short, these are some alternative ways to write PHP syntax.

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