July 2017

Without saying much, paste the code first, and put the code on the top of the GET or POST parameters that need to be passed in!

 <? php if(isset($argv) && count($argv)>='2'){ $_G=array_search('-G',$argv); $_P=array_search('-P',$argv); if(isset($_G) && isset($_P)){ //Both GET and POST parameters are passed in parse_str($argv[$_G+1],$G_parr); parse_str($argv[$_P+1],$P_parr); $_GET=$G_parr; $_POST=$P_parr; }elseif(isset($_G) && ! isset($_P)){ //Only GET parameters were passed in parse_str($argv[$_G+1],$G_parr); $_GET=$G_parr; }elseif(! isset($_G) && isset($_P)){ //Only POST parameters were passed in parse_str($argv[$_P+1],$P_parr); $_POST=$P_parr; } }

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Author: Xiao Jia

Original link: My boss is in prison because of reptiles

2017.06.01《 Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China 》The implementation of this safety law has caused a storm in this treasure land of reptiles, and the article trying to interpret this regulation is everywhere: " Will your crawler send your boss to prison? "There are too many reprints. I don't know where the original article was reprinted.

In short, since then, whenever we encounter a crawler, no matter how many tens of thousands of house price information we use to do some small research, or how many Zhihu user data we use to do ranking statistics and analysis, someone will always say: Oh, isn't a crawler against the law? Be careful.

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