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[China Online Review] Lai Qingde's stubborn "Taiwan independence" line has become the biggest threat to Taiwan peace

[China Online Review] Lai Qingde's stubborn "Taiwan independence" line has become the biggest threat to Taiwan peace
01:04, May 23, 2024 Chinanet

Hua Zhang, commentator of

On May 20, Lai Qingde took office as the leader of Taiwan and delivered an inaugural speech. In his speech, he not only vigorously publicized the "two countries theory" and falsely claimed that "the two sides of the Taiwan Straits do not belong to each other", but also distorted the history of Taiwan and cut off the blood ties between the two sides. What's more, Lai Qingde also tried to actively cooperate with the US strategy of curbing China at the expense of the interests of the whole island and even the people of Taiwan. The nature of "Taiwan independence golden sun" and the servility of being obsequious to foreigners and forgetting their ancestors are fully displayed.

   There is no bottom line to sell beautiful tables, which is for infidelity

Lai Qingde not only talked about "Taiwan is the MVP of the democratic world", echoing the narrative of the confrontation between the "democratic camp" and the "undemocratic camp" of the United States, but also flattered that Taiwan is "located in the strategic position of the" first island chain ".

As we all know, "island chain" is a general term for a series of islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It is a strategic concept put forward by Secretary of State Dulles of the United States in the 1950s. It is mainly used to contain the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea and other socialist countries. It is full of cold war thinking and ideological prejudice. Until now, the "island chain strategy" of the United States It is still an important hand to contain China and Russia. It is precisely because of its strong color of confrontation that countries in the region cannot avoid it. But Lai Qingde happily seized it and pinned it on the people in Taiwan and the whole island, and without hesitation sacrificed the future prosperity and decline of Taiwan and the life and death of the people to the U.S. hegemonic plot.

Lai Qingde, who is loyal to the will of the United States, is the public enemy and traitor of the Chinese nation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

   It is unfilial to maliciously tamper with Taiwan's history

During the "ruling" period of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, it did its utmost to educate "de sinicization" in the island. In particular, the curriculum of "de Sinolization" promoted by him in recent years has divided Taiwan's history from Chinese history into a separate volume, significantly deleted Chinese history and included it in the history of East Asia, attempted to cut Taiwan from the mainland, and denied the history, culture, and blood origin of the common ancestor of both sides of the Taiwan Straits for thousands of years.

Lai Qingde, a self styled "Taiwan independence worker", will probably only continue to strengthen the "cultural decentralization" after taking office. A few days before he took office, Lai Qingde publicly participated in a "memorial" activity in memory of a Japanese engineer during the Japanese colonial rule. He not only expressed "deep touch", but also shouted that "what happens in Taiwan is what happens in Japan, and what happens in Japan is also what happens in Taiwan". At the end of this inaugural speech, Lai Qingde said that "Taiwan started globalization from Tainan in 1624", and even the history of Dutch colonialists' invasion and occupation of Taiwan should be beautified.

The mainland across the Taiwan Strait is defined as "foreign" or even "hostile forces", but the foreign colonialists who invaded and enslaved the Taiwan people in history are described as "their own people". Rely on Qingde to forget the ancestors and admit the thief as father, and will be firmly nailed to the historical stigma column.

   It is unjust to stubbornly promote the "Taiwan independence" line

During the "governing" period of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, it has been promoting "sausage cutting" gradual "Taiwan independence", and even spared no effort to pave the way for the so-called "referendum" by revising the party platform. But even the United States, which is accustomed to playing the "Taiwan card", knows that the Democratic Progressive Party will "cut its finger" sooner or later. Therefore, in order to avoid the situation in the Taiwan Strait getting out of control, on November 30 last year, three American scholars of Sino US relations, Ge Laiyi, Bai Jiexi and Ke Qingsheng, jointly published an article in Foreign Affairs magazine, calling on Lai Qingde to consider freezing the "platform for Taiwan independence". The US media also said that the US government was not at ease with Lai's radical "Taiwan independence" position.

However, from Lai Qingde's speech, although the true attitude of the United States is unknown, Lai Qingde intends to go black on the road of "Taiwan independence". He not only inherited Tsai Ing wen's fallacy of "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other", but also attempted to find a "legal basis" for this.

The One China Principle is unshakable both from the historical longitude and latitude and from the legal perspective. On October 25, 1971, the 26th United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 2758 by an overwhelming majority, "to restore all rights of the People's Republic of China, recognize the representatives of her government as the only legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations organization, and immediately expel the representatives of Chiang Kai shek from the seats it illegally occupies in the United Nations organization and all its affiliated institutions." If, as some American politicians and the Democratic Progressive Party authorities advocated, "Resolution 2758 of the United Nations General Assembly did not solve the one China principle", why should Chiang Kai shek's representatives be expelled while restoring China's legitimate seats? If "Taiwan's status has not been determined", why does China's annual contribution to the United Nations and many other international organizations include Taiwan's GDP?

It can be seen that the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities and some American politicians are typical of "unreasonable interference", that is, they want to use the way of playing rascals to force the "Taiwan independence" proposition to win the so-called "international space", and then serve the United States strategy towards China. However, Lai Qingde and others, in order to seek personal political self-interest, ignore the great cause of the Chinese nation's reunification and the interests of peace and stability across the Straits, and find no more "legal basis" is also a dead letter.

Lai Qingde's statement of "not subordinating to each other" caused Taiwan's stock market to collapse in a flash, especially the stock related to tourism industry to experience sharp fluctuations, which shows that the outside world, including capital, has realized that Lai Qingde, under the banner of "maintaining peace", is constantly inciting confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. He is the biggest threat to peace in the Taiwan Straits. In the face of the vast historical trend of the reunification of the motherland, relying on Qingde and others to seek independence and provocation is unpopular and groundless, and will only become the historical criminals of the Chinese nation.

Editor: Jiang Xinyu, Zhang Yanling, Cai Xiaojuan

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