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(Rural travel · Revitalization) Visit to "China's first island village": young forces help update the ancient village

(Rural travel · Revitalization) Visit to "China's first island village": young forces help update the ancient village
15:25, May 22, 2024 China News Network

China News Network, Zhoushan, May 22 (Lin Bo, Hu Sijia, Wang Sheng) - Seen from a high altitude, the winding coastline is dotted with islands, like scattered pearls dotted in the vast sea. This is the island scene of Zhoushan, Zhejiang, the "city of thousands of islands".

Walk along the 100 li Wenlang Ma'ao section of the East China Sea to the Ma'ao Village in the south of Ma'ao Street, Dinghai District, Zhoushan City. Surrounded by mountains, trees and clear streams, people feel as if they are in a paradise.

 A view of Ma'ao Village. Courtesy of Hu Sijia A view of Ma'ao Village. Courtesy of Hu Sijia

In May 2023, the East China Sea Hundred mile Cultural Corridor, which runs through eight towns (streets) in Dinghai, Zhoushan and has a main line of 100.5 kilometers in length, will be open to the public, connecting scenic spots scattered in various villages, driving rural tourism development and rural revitalization.

With the opportunity of the opening of the 100 mile Cultural Corridor in the East China Sea, the "sleeping" resources of this ancient village, known as "the first village in China's islands", have been gradually "awakened". The idle old houses in the village have become new business forms such as home stay, coffee shop, western restaurant, and research base, which not only brings traffic to the ancient village, but also brings new generation strength.

In particular, since 2023, a group of young entrepreneurs have become the first batch of "honorary villagers" in the local area, achieving "two-way rush" with the countryside.

 Liu Fengjuan (first from right) is decorating the courtyard. Courtesy of Hu Sijia
Liu Fengjuan (first from right) is decorating the courtyard. Courtesy of Hu Sijia

"I am a northerner. When I came to Zhoushan for tourism, I was attracted by the ink painting like natural scenery, original rural environment and simple customs of Ma'ao Village. I decided to live here, but I didn't expect to stay here for more than 10 years." Liu Fengjuan, the local "honorary villager" and the manager of a private tea restaurant, sighed deeply about the fate with Ma'ao.

In 2023, as the construction of the East China Sea Hundred Mile Cultural Corridor advances, many new businesses will emerge along the route, and Ma'ao Village will also welcome more and more "new villagers". They have become a new force full of vitality and innovation in rural revitalization.

"The local conditions and customs of Ma'ao make us' new villagers' feel particularly integrated. I majored in design and hope to give play to my expertise to participate in the beautification and building of small courtyards along the line." Liu Fengjuan said that the opening of the 100 mile Cultural Corridor in the East China Sea has been one year old. More and more people come to Ma'ao Village, bringing popularity to her small courtyard.

Today, Ma'ao Village not only has a more beautiful "face", but also has a clean environment along the line with a variety of business types. Each courtyard has its own characteristics, attracting more and more people to enjoy a slow life in the countryside.

Walking more than 100 meters from Liu Fengjuan's tea restaurant is an earlier business type introduced by Ma'ao Village, a villa western restaurant. Push the door and enter. By the huge glass window, tourists taste coffee, read, chat and take photos. The beautiful mountain scenery of the ancient village is also moved into the room through the glass of the restaurant.

"It's different from the western restaurants in the city. The scenery here is beautiful and the business types are rich. It's very relaxing to sit down for a cup of coffee and see the natural scenery in the countryside." Visitor Ms. Chen and her friends enjoy the tranquility of the countryside in the small shop.

"At that time, we hesitated to open a shop in the countryside. There were few businesses around us and few tourists came to the village every day." Hu Yangzhi was one of the managers of the restaurant and the first group of "honorary villagers" in Ma'ao Village.

In October 2022, Hu Yangzhi and his friends opened their fourth store in Ma'ao Village, where they were interested in the rural scenery and future development.

Hu Yangzhi said that with the construction of the 100 mile Wenlang Ma'ao section in the East China Sea, the original plain villages are constantly radiating new vitality. Not only the shop has enriched the scene of the courtyard according to the construction along the line, but also the surrounding infrastructure is constantly improving. The restaurant tea houses, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, camping and fun, the Mengchong Festival Cultural tourism forms and activities such as the Millennium Maao Daoxiang Festival have also gathered popularity, injecting more youth power into the revitalization of Maao.

Data shows that since the opening of the 100 mile Cultural Corridor in the East China Sea in May 2023, Ma'ao Village has attracted 17 businesses, attracting more than 150000 tourists in total, and the income of tourism businesses along the Cultural Corridor has increased by more than 2.5 million yuan.

In particular, the "stall at the gate of the home" is to help farmers increase their income, absorb more than 50 idle labor, and increase the per capita monthly income of employees by 2500 yuan.

"Ma'ao Village has a lot of natural landscapes and cultural resources, and projects related to cute pets are also gradually following up." Hu Yangzhi looks forward to more and more "new villagers" joining the team of rural revitalization in the future to jointly build a new home. At the same time, he also welcomes more people to visit Ma'ao Village to enjoy the scenery, feel the millennium Ma'ao culture, and experience the slow life in the countryside. (End)

[Editor: Li Yan]

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