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Husei armed forces launched an attack! Philippines: will take all necessary measures

Husei armed forces launched an attack! Philippines: will take all necessary measures
21:18, June 15, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

Source: Straits Guide

On June 14 local time, the United States Central Command issued a statement on its social media platform, saying that the Hussain armed forces used an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) to attack a bulk carrier flying the Liberian flag, owned and operated by Greece, on June 12, resulting in water ingress and serious damage to the cabin, and the whereabouts of another civilian sailor was unknown.

 Image source: CCTV news client Image source: CCTV news client

The statement also said that on the 13th, Husei armed forces attacked the bulk carrier "Verbena", which was flying the flag of Palau, owned by Ukraine and operated by Poland. The attack caused the ship to catch fire, and a civilian sailor received treatment for serious injuries. The fire of the "Verbena" has been put out and has resumed transit in the Gulf of Aden.

   The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the attack

According to Agence France Presse, the Maritime Trade Action Office under the British Navy said on the 14th that the crew of the MV Tutor cargo ship that was attacked by Yemeni Hussai forces had abandoned the ship and evacuated. At present, the ship is drifting on the Red Sea.

The cargo ship MV Tutor, flying the Liberian flag and owned by Greece, has several Filipino sailors on board. On Wednesday, the US Central Command said that the ship was attacked by Hussain armed surface unmanned craft and "unidentified aerial missiles", which led to water flooding, serious damage to the cabin and the whereabouts of another crew member.

According to the UK Maritime Trade Action Office, "The crew of the ship has been evacuated by the military department, and the ship has been abandoned and is drifting".

According to Philippine media reports on the 14th, Philippine officials confirmed that there were 22 Filipino sailors on the cargo ship, and one of the missing sailors was from the Philippines. The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the attack and said that "the Philippine government will take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and well-being of Filipino sailors on board and ensure justice".

   Previously, the Yemeni Husei armed forces said they attacked three ships

On the evening of June 13 local time, Yehia Sareya, spokesman of the Yemeni Husei armed forces, said in a speech that in the past 24 hours, Husei armed forces had launched three attacks against ships violating the Husei armed navigation ban. For the first time, it attacked the cargo ship "Verbena" in the Arabian Sea through missiles, and caused the ship to catch fire. It attacked the cargo ship "Ocean Guard" in the Red Sea for the second time. It attacked the cargo ship "Athena" in the Red Sea for the third time.

 △ Yehia Sareya, spokesman of Yemeni Husei armed forces (data picture) Source: CCTV news client △ Yehia Sareya, spokesman of Yemeni Husei armed forces (data picture) Source: CCTV news client

Yahya Sareya also said that the Hussain armed forces will continue to carry out relevant military operations and support the Palestinians until the aggression against Palestine stops and the blockade against the Palestinian people is lifted, otherwise the Hussain armed forces will not stop relevant military operations.

   US Central Command said it would strike multiple targets of Yemeni Husei armed forces

On June 13 local time, the US Central Command announced that in the past 24 hours, the US military had destroyed an air defense sensor in the Yemeni Husei armed control zone. Subsequently, the US military destroyed one Hussain armed unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and two Hussain armed patrol boats in the Red Sea. In addition, the US military also shot down a drone launched over the Red Sea from the Yemeni Husei armed control area.

In addition, the US Central Command said that the Hussain armed forces launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs) from their controlled areas to the Red Sea. The United States, coalition forces and merchant ships did not report casualties or major losses.

   Hussai armed forces say they have cracked the "spy network" supporting the United States and Israel

The Yemeni Husei armed forces said on the 10th local time that the organization had uncovered a "spy network" supporting the United States and Israel, and arrested several members of the network.

Abdul Hakim Al Haywani, the head of Husei's armed intelligence, said in a televised statement on the 10th that the spy network "has been spying and sabotaging for the enemy in official and unofficial institutions for decades". Many members of the network worked for the United States Embassy in Yemen. After the closure of the U.S. Embassy in Yemen in 2015, these members were "implementing the destruction plan under the cover of international and United Nations organizations". The United States, Israel and the United Nations have not yet commented on this.

 Image source: CCTV news client Image source: CCTV news client

Ahmed Aerman, Minister of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Yemeni Government, confirmed on the 7th that the Yemeni Hussain armed forces had recently arrested 18 Yemeni citizens working for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and other agencies in Sana'a, the capital.

 Image source: CCTV news client Image source: CCTV news client

The United Nations said on the 7th that it had confirmed that 11 staff members had been arrested by Hussain forces in Sanaa. The UN Secretary General's spokesman Diyaric said on the 10th that the UN was working hard to ensure the release of 11 detained staff members from Yemeni Husei armed forces. However, the United Nations side did not disclose more details on the matter.

Source: China News Service, CCTV news client, Global Times

Editor in charge: Trish

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