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Biden breathed a sigh of relief when the Kenyan peacekeeping force arrived in Haiti "within three weeks"

Biden breathed a sigh of relief when the Kenyan peacekeeping force arrived in Haiti "within three weeks"
22:14, May 25, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

Source: Observer Network

► Wen Observer Network Qi Qian

From May 22 to 24 local time, President Ruto of Kenya visited the United States. He was not only warmly treated by the Biden government, but also became the first sub Saharan African country to receive the title of "major non NATO ally" of the United States.

According to the Associated Press and the BBC on the 24th, Ruto announced that the Kenyan security forces would arrive in Haiti about three weeks later to help combat gang violence. Since the end of February this year, the security situation in Haiti has deteriorated sharply, chaos and violence have never ended, and there seems to be only half a step away from complete anarchy. So far, a new round of gang violence in Haiti has lasted for nearly March. An American missionary couple confirmed that they were killed in Haiti on the 24th.

Kenya's move will undoubtedly give Biden a sigh of relief. He expressed his deep gratitude and announced that he would provide US $300 million in assistance to the multinational security forces, including the Kenyan police.

Kenyan President: Security forces arrive in Haiti about three weeks later

According to the BBC, Kenyan President Ruto, who is visiting the United States, pointed out in an exclusive interview that Kenyan security forces are expected to arrive in Haiti "in about three weeks" to help suppress the growing gang violence. He also revealed that a team composed of several police commanders has been in Haiti and is assessing and arranging relevant matters before the deployment of the security forces.

Ruto told the BBC: "When I spoke to you, I had a team in Haiti. This will give us a general understanding of the situation on the ground, the existing capacity and the infrastructure that has been established. Once we reach an agreement with the Haitian police and the leadership, we can be ready for deployment in about three weeks." He said, His government has taken cautious action on this issue.

At the end of February, several gang forces launched attacks in Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti, and the security situation in Haiti deteriorated sharply. As early as last October, Kenya agreed to lead an international police force authorized by the United Nations to Haiti, including 1000 Kenyan policemen. However, the Supreme Court of Kenya ruled this unconstitutional in January this year, partly because of the lack of reciprocal agreements between the two countries on such deployment.

In response, Ruto told the BBC that he had signed a written agreement with the Haitian Transitional Presidential Commission to ensure Kenya's legitimate deployment of police forces in Haiti. Ruto once tweeted on social media on the 22nd, saying that he had promised U.S. Secretary of State Lincoln that Kenya "will lead the security forces authorized by the United Nations to restore peace and security in Haiti".

At a press conference with US President Biden on the 23rd local time, Ruto reiterated that peace and security in Haiti are "the common responsibility of all countries". Kenya will "shoulder this responsibility together with the Haitian police" and "thoroughly defeat gangs and criminals".

 Kenyan President Ruto held talks with former US President Barack Obama, whose biological father came from Kenya Kenyan President Ruto held talks with former US President Barack Obama, whose biological father came from Kenya
 Ruto received a grand reception for his visit to the United States. Figure from Ruto's social account Ruto received a grand reception for his visit to the United States. Figure from Ruto's social account

Biden: Thanks to Kenya, but the United States will not send troops

Ruto was interviewed by the BBC at the end of his three-day visit to the United States. From May 22 to 24 local time, Ruto visited the United States, which was the first official state visit to the United States by an African leader in 15 years.

According to the Associated Press, CNN and other US media, during their stay in the United States, Ruto and his delegation received warm hospitality from the Biden government. They held talks with Congressional representatives and officials such as Blinken, former President Obama, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and signed a series of economic cooperation agreements. They attended a state dinner held at the White House on the 24th, and also upgraded to become the "major non NATO allies" of the United States.

The Associated Press said that Kenya is the first sub Saharan African country to become a "major non NATO ally" of the United States, which will enable Kenya to carry out closer security cooperation with Washington and obtain more advanced American weapons. Although the title is largely symbolic, it reflects the recognition of the United States for the growing security partnership between the two countries.

The BBC mentioned that at this time, the West gave way to Russia and China, and its influence in Africa has been declining. When the BBC asked Ruto whether the United States was a more popular ally, he replied that Kenya did not face the west or the east. "We are facing the front".

On the 23rd local time, Biden expressed his deep gratitude for the upcoming deployment of the police force in Kenya. Biden also announced that he would provide US $300 million in assistance to the Kenya led multinational security force, and defended the decision not to send US troops to Haiti.

"Haiti is located in the Caribbean, and the situation is very volatile," Biden said at a news conference with Ruto the same day, if the United States troops were deployed in Haiti, it would cause "various problems that are easily distorted.". He said: "A lot of things have happened in this area before... If we can prevent the outside world from feeling that the United States has crossed the border once again and again, we will do our best in this case."

On the 24th local time, an American missionary couple confirmed that they were killed in Haiti. Since then, the White House has again called for the rapid deployment of the Kenya led multinational security force in Haiti. The spokesman of the National Security Council of the White House said that "the security situation in Haiti is urgent", and Biden promised to support the "accelerated deployment" of peacekeeping forces in his talks with the President of Kenya.

 Biden hosted Ruto at a state banquet at the White House on the 24th, tweeting screenshot Biden hosted Ruto at a state banquet at the White House on the 24th, tweeting screenshot

Can the multinational force led by Kenya save Haiti?

Haiti, an island country in the Caribbean Sea, is the only least developed country in the western hemisphere. 41% of the country's 11 million people live in poverty, and their life expectancy is less than 64 years old. In 2019, Haiti ranked 169 out of 189 countries that participated in the ranking of the United Nations Human Development Index. Historically, the long-term interference of Western colonialists and the United States is responsible for the current situation in Haiti.

In July 2021, the President of Haiti, Joffner Moiz, was assassinated and killed. Since then, Haiti has fallen into a power vacuum and gang violence has become more rampant. In December 2022, the Transitional Government of Haiti reached an agreement with some parties and civil society groups to restore democratically elected national institutions within 18 months. However, due to the delay in improving the security situation, the general elections in Haiti have not been held so far.

Since the end of February this year, Haitian gang forces have frequently launched attacks in Port au Prince, demanding that Prime Minister Henry step down. On the evening of March 2 local time, Haitian gang members launched an attack on the national prison in Port au Prince, resulting in the death of several prison guards and the escape of thousands of prisoners. On 5 March, another armed group attacked a police school in Port au Prince. Since then, the security situation in Haiti has deteriorated rapidly.

According to CCTV News, the activities of Haitian gang forces have seriously threatened national security and led to a humanitarian crisis. Behind the expansion of these gangs, the United States can not help smuggling guns.

Haitian gangs have existed for decades and have been active since the mid-1990s. Most of the weapons they have come from the United States. With a large number of weapons smuggled from the United States, gang groups have expanded rapidly in Haiti, making a living from drug trafficking, extortion and kidnapping. At present, they have mastered more than 80% of the area in Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti. The almost uncontrolled criminal acts of gang groups have also led to the collapse of public institutions in Haiti.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has also confirmed that the rampant gang violence in Haiti is inseparable from the illegal flow of weapons from abroad, especially the United States.

"I don't know what to do. I watched the country collapse. Only God can change this place, because I can't see any other way out." In March this year, a local woman said to the BBC helplessly. She is a mother of nine children and is now trying to find food and water for the children.

 Since the end of February this year, Haiti has witnessed continuous violent riots. Figure Self Vision China Since the end of February this year, Haiti has witnessed continuous violent riots. Figure Self Vision China

CNN previously reported that Haiti is facing the most serious security crisis in many years. It is "unthinkable" for a country that has suffered from violence, political crisis and drought for a long time. As a result, about 5.5 million Haitians (about half of the population) are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, and it is increasingly difficult to find the necessities of life - food, water and safe shelter. At present, armed groups are still raging in Port au Prince, and millions of ordinary Haitians are still facing gang violence, hunger and chaos.

The Haitian Government has been seeking international military assistance since 2022. Last October, the multinational security support force was approved by the United Nations Security Council. According to documents obtained by CNN, the security forces will be led by a Kenyan police chief and a Jamaican police officer. The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Chad and Jamaica have also committed to sending personnel.

Because of the situation in Haiti and the legal challenges in Kenya, this multinational security force was not deployed in Haiti for more than seven months after it was approved. Local experts in Haiti said that the Haitian government still needs to do more to lay the foundation for this mission, including communicating with gangs and civilians.

At the same time, the Haitian local police union SPNH17 told CNN that their cooperation plan with the Kenyan led security forces was too opaque, and questioned why the international community did not pay more attention to providing material support to the local police.

"We see that the international community cooperates with a few departments, but there is no clear plan. We don't know what they will do and how to do it. We don't even know how to communicate with English speaking Kenyan police..." The trade union said in a statement, "We believe that only the Haitian police can provide long-term security for Haiti. What we need is material and logistical support."

Editor in charge: Chen Yan SN225

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