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China has countered 12 US enterprises and 10 senior executives, experts: the intensity and intensity are unprecedented!

China has countered 12 US enterprises and 10 senior executives, experts: the intensity and intensity are unprecedented!
07:06, May 23, 2024 Global Network

[Global Times reporter Bai Baiyi, Cui Fandi] On May 22, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China issued the Decision on Counter Measures against US Military Enterprises and Senior Managers, which froze the movable property, real property and other types of property of 12 US enterprises in China from now on, and refused to issue visas to 10 US enterprise executives.

The decision said that for a period of time, the United States ignored China's objective and just position and constructive role in the Ukrainian crisis, abused illegal unilateral sanctions against many Chinese entities on the grounds of so-called Russian factors, engaged in unilateral bullying and economic coercion, and seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, institutions and individuals. At the same time, the United States continued to sell weapons to Taiwan, seriously violating the one China principle and the provisions of the three Sino US joint communiques, seriously interfering in China's internal affairs and seriously harming China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Anti Foreign Sanctions Law of the People's Republic of China, China has decided to take countermeasures against the following US military enterprises and senior managers, which will be implemented from now on.

According to the decision, the U.S. military enterprises that have been taken countermeasures include Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control Company, Lockheed Martin Aviation Company, Javelin Joint Venture, Raytheon Missile Systems Company, General Dynamics Armament and Tactical Systems Company, General Dynamics Information Technology Company, General Dynamics Mission Systems Company, Intercoastal Electronics Company 12 enterprises, including System Research and Simulation Company, Tieshan Solution Company, Application Technology Group, Aktiengent Company, will freeze their movable property, real property and other kinds of property in China.

Sanctioned persons include Kathy Walden (chairman, CEO and president of Northrop Grumman), Matthew Bloomberg (vice president of global operations of Northrop Grumman), Philat Gezen (vice president of General Dynamics, president of General Dynamics Armament and Tactical Systems) Jason Aiken (Executive Vice President of General Dynamics in charge of the technical department) and other 10 senior executives will not be issued visas and will not be allowed to enter (including Hong Kong and Macao).

Earlier, the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China issued two announcements on the 20th, listing three American enterprises involved in arms sales to Taiwan on the list of unreliable entities, including General Atomic Aviation Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, and Boeing Defense, Space and Security Group. According to the analysis, this is a clear warning to the United States for continuing to arm Taiwan and Lai Qingde for "relying on the United States for independence".

Xin Qiang, an expert on American affairs at Fudan University, told the Global Times on the 22nd that China's sanctions this time are mainly against American enterprises that have been selling arms to Taiwan for a long time, and their intensity and intensity are unprecedented. It is believed that this is only the first step, and there will be more measures in the future. "The US arms sales to Taiwan have been a chronic disease for many years. It is necessary for China to take tough measures, otherwise the US will definitely intensify its efforts."

Xin Qiang believes that the symbolic meaning and political signals of China's anti regime actions are very strong. However, we cannot expect a single sanction to make the United States change its course and stop colluding with the DPP authorities and selling arms to Taiwan. "For Washington, the arms sale to Taiwan is not only an economic decision, it has been firmly bound to the United States' China policy and strategic objectives." He said that American enterprises such as Boeing, which also have huge commercial interests and earn huge profits in the civil market of mainland China, should be more cautious in evaluating relevant decisions in the future, "China cannot tolerate anyone who makes a lot of money in the mainland market while selling offensive weapons to the Taiwan authorities for a long time.".

Editor in charge: Zhu Gabe

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