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EU approves the use of proceeds from the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank to aid Ukraine

EU approves the use of proceeds from the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank to aid Ukraine
19:51, May 21, 2024 Global Network

On the 21st local time, Belgium, the rotating presidency of the European Council, announced that the European Council approved the proposal to use the proceeds from the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank to provide assistance to Ukraine on the same day.

According to the proposal, the EU will provide 3 billion euros to Ukraine this year, and 90% of the funds will be used for military assistance.

It is reported that the EU currently holds about 210 billion euros of Russian central bank assets, most of which are frozen in Belgium. It is estimated that this asset can generate profits of up to 3 billion euros per year. About 90% of the funds will be used for a special fund to provide weapons and ammunition to Ukraine; Another 10% will be included in the EU budget to support Ukraine's defense industry. In this regard, Germany and France expressed their support. German Prime Minister Schultz said the same day that EU countries should decide to use the proceeds of Russia's frozen assets to buy weapons and ammunition for Ukraine. Previously, EU Foreign and Security Policy High Representative Borrell also proposed to use 90% of the proceeds of Russia's frozen assets to provide weapons for Ukraine. (Head Office reporter Gu Xin)

Editor in charge: Chen Yan SN225

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