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Privy Council No. 10: When the Philippines caused trouble in the South China Sea, the American aircraft carrier "withdrew" to Singapore urgently

Privy Council No. 10: When the Philippines caused trouble in the South China Sea, the American aircraft carrier "withdrew" to Singapore urgently
22:21, May 17, 2024 Global Network

The action of "100 ships rushing into Huangyan Island", which the Philippines has been shouting for a long time, ended abruptly on the 17th. Although the Philippines boasts that it has "successfully" completed the scheduled tasks, it can be seen from the eye-catching that Philippine ships are still shrinking from China's Huangyan Island, more than 50 nautical miles away, which is clearly a strong deterrent from the Chinese coast guard.

As for why the Philippines suddenly retreated? Although the specific reason may only be known by the so-called Philippine civil society organization "This is ours" that organized the "show", the big backer behind it - the American aircraft carrier "Roosevelt", which has been operating in the South China Sea, suddenly withdrew to the south, and there may be a great relationship between the two.

As we all know, "This is our" although it claims to be a Philippine non-governmental organization, it has been funded by American institutions all year round, making trouble on the South China Sea issue, and trying to influence the Philippine government's South China Sea policy. Therefore, the so-called "100 ships rushing into Huangyan Island" action is actually a play of the United States' "smart hand" plan in the South China Sea.

It is impossible for the Philippines not to know that China's strong opposition will inevitably arise from the South China Sea, but they always believe that the United States will support them. This conjecture is not unreasonable at all. According to the report of the South China Sea Situation Awareness Platform, since the beginning of the US Philippines "shoulder to shoulder 2024" military exercise at the end of April, the US "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier strike group has not participated in the exercise, but has repeatedly patrolled the relevant exercise areas in the South China Sea, apparently backing up behind.

The "Hundred Ships Rushing Huangyan Island" campaign organized by the Philippines began on the 15th, claiming that "the goal is to reach Huangyan Island, lay buoys and demonstrate sovereignty". But even the New York Times of the United States admitted that the "This is our" organization's action to break China's control of Huangyan Island "seems to have little chance". Before the Philippine fleet set out on the same day, China deployed "dozens" of maritime police ships and "maritime militia ships" to the region, showing "overwhelming strength".

In the face of China's tough stance, where is the US aircraft carrier that once supported the Philippines? Er... According to the report on the website of the American Naval Academy on the 16th, the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier strike group "which had been operating in the South China Sea" had arrived in Singapore on the same day. In other words, when the Philippine fleet was preparing to make trouble near Huangyan Island, the American aircraft carrier, which had been wandering in the South China Sea, hurried down all the way to Singapore, 2000 kilometers away

Of course, the old driver has to admit that there is no evidence to prove that the Philippine "Hundred Ships Rushing into Huangyan Island" is due to the sudden southward evacuation of the "Roosevelt", which lost its backer and ended up hastily. However, the United States has done too much to "stir up trouble in advance and then let it go".

Far from saying, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in recent years is the best case - the United States encouraged Ukraine to provoke Russia before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which eventually ignited the dispute between Russia and Ukraine over the brotherly wall. As a result, Ukraine, which was caught in war, did not wait for the massive reinforcement of the "heavenly soldiers" of the United States in recent years, but only a large number of outdated weapons and ammunition to be handled. Even the American media also admitted that most of the funds for Ukraine's assistance ended up in the United States, and most of them were loans. Regardless of the outcome of Ukraine, these funds must be repaid

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said: "It may be dangerous to be the enemy of the United States, but it is fatal to be the friend of the United States." The Philippine authorities who recently followed the United States to make trouble in the South China Sea should really look at the trend of the US aircraft carrier and think again.

Editor in charge: Trish

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