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"The United States and Israel have been isolated as never before, and Israel is becoming a" pariah state ""

"The United States and Israel have been isolated as never before, and Israel is becoming a" pariah state ""
15:13, May 12, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

Source: Observer Network

[Text/Observer. com Xiong Chaoran] On the morning of May 10 local time, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution affirming that the Palestinian State conforms to the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations and should be admitted to the membership of the United Nations. The resolution accordingly recommends that the Security Council reconsider the application of Palestine to join the United Nations as a Member State "from a favorable perspective".

On May 11 local time, Nasser Kanaani, spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said in a social media X platform that the overwhelming majority of the voting results reflected the unprecedented isolation of Israel's "Zionist regime" and the United States in the international community. He pointed out that Israel's "Zionist regime" is living in the most isolated state in its false history, and the United States Government is the only country that blindly supports Israel by openly or secretly supporting its crimes in Gaza.

The New York Times also wrote on May 11 local time that as the death toll in the Gaza Strip continues to rise, countries around the world have "deserted" Israel. As a result, Israel is likely to become an international "pariah" in all fields, from security to economy. Because Israel only focuses on itself narrowly, The "international goodwill" accumulated by this country has disappeared.

Experts and scholars in Israel also said frankly that Israel's view of the situation was completely disconnected from the world, and they were even confused about why anti epidemic activities occurred in American schools. Alon Pinkas, a senior Israeli diplomat and former Israeli Consul General in New York, said: "This is a process of the gradual formation of a" pariah state (isolated internationally). "

   On May 10 local time, The General Assembly of the United Nations voted that the Palestinian State should be admitted as a member of the United Nations, as it meets the qualifications for membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations.

   The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on behalf of the international community "True public opinion"

According to the previous introduction on the United Nations website, the draft resolution adopted on May 10 was submitted by the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Group of Arab States and received overwhelming support in the vote. 143 countries, including China, France and Russia, voted in favour, 9 countries, including the United States and Israel, voted against, and 25 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany and Ukraine, abstained.

The nine countries that voted against were the United States, Israel, Argentina, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea.

Al Mayadeen pointed out that although the vote was symbolic, it was a necessary step to fully recognize Palestine as a member of all United Nations agencies. The resolution adopted on the same day stressed that the General Assembly was convinced that the Palestinian State fully met the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations, and that United Nations Member States generally affirmed their support for the admission of the Palestinian State to membership in the United Nations.

The resolution expressed "deep regret and concern" over the veto of a permanent member of the Security Council on Palestine's application for UN membership by one vote, and recommended that the Security Council reconsider Palestine's application for UN membership from a favorable perspective in accordance with the determination of the General Assembly and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on May 28, 1948, and in strict accordance with Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations.

   Former Israeli diplomat: We are slowly becoming a "pariah state"

On May 11, the New York Times listed a series of recent events, which proved that, as the representative of Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Karnani, Israel is "isolated" in the international community.

"Turkey has suspended its trade with Israel, the International Criminal Court is considering whether Israeli leaders have committed genocide, (" pro Palestinian and anti Israeli ") protests have swept cities and campuses around the world, and many European countries, such as Ireland and Spain, plan to recognize the national status of Palestine by the end of this month."

 On April 29 local time, a protest camp was set up on the campus of Washington University to show solidarity with Palestinians. Figure from IC Photo On April 29 local time, a protest camp was set up on the campus of Washington University to show solidarity with Palestinians. Figure from IC Photo

The New York Times said frankly that seven months after the outbreak of this round of Palestinian Israeli conflict, although some countries promised to support Israel, Israel found itself increasingly isolated. This round of Palestinian Israeli conflict has led to the death of more than 34000 Palestinians, and the Gaza Strip is on the verge of famine. Any "international goodwill" accumulated by Israel on October 7 last year has disappeared.

"Most Israelis, including the leadership, are confused about the attitude of the world." Eytan Gilboa, a professor of communication at Bar Ilan University in Israel, observed that Israelis seem to be very confused about the protest activities on American campuses.

Alon Pinkas, a senior Israeli diplomat and former Israeli Consul General in New York, said: "This is a process of slowly forming a 'pariah state (isolated internationally)." Nimrod Novik, a former senior Israeli official and analyst at Israel Policy Forum, said, "Israel's view of the situation is completely divorced from the world's view".

   Disagreement between the United States and Israel? Analyst: Just a stopgap measure

The report points out that even the United States, Israel's closest ally and donor for a long time, has threatened to detain certain arms shipments for the first time since the outbreak of the Palestinian Israeli conflict.

On May 8 local time, Biden said in an interview with CNN that if Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered a massive attack on Rafah, the southern city of Gaza, the United States would stop sending weapons to Israel because Israeli forces had used American bombs to kill civilians. CNN pointed out that this was the first time Biden threatened to stop arms shipments to Israel, and also the first time he admitted that American weapons had been used to kill civilians.

However, Biden also claimed that even though Israeli actions have increased regional tensions, Israeli troops have not yet entered the densely populated areas of Rafah, and the actions against Rafah "have not crossed the red line".

 Video capture of Biden's interview with CNN on May 8 Video capture of Biden's interview with CNN on May 8

In fact, on the issue of attacking Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, differences between the United States and Israel have begun to emerge for some time. However, despite Biden's warning to suspend military aid to Israel, analysts believe that the suspension of the US military supply to Israel is only an expedient measure to ease the pressure of domestic and international public opinion faced by the US government.

Reuters pointed out that Israel does not lack weapons and ammunition at present. The report quoted White House officials as saying that the ammunition suspended by the US side was only "unguided bombs". Some congressional staff said that these munitions were worth only "tens of millions of dollars". At a regular press conference on May 9, Israel Defense Forces spokesman Hajali even said that so far, the United States has continued to provide military assistance to Israel in an "unprecedented way".

   On behalf of“ Forced addition The United Nations reaffirms the authority of the Charter

The New York Times pointed out that this "isolation" of Israel is a "side effect" of its war, reflecting the narrow focus of the Israeli public on their own suffering. Although in the past Palestinian Israeli conflict, Israel has also suffered from the world's "glare", in this round of conflict, Netanyahu's commitment to "destroy Hamas" is too broad to work, which also weakens external support for Israel.

According to the report, the result of such action is terrible. According to experts, by the end of November last year, civilians in the Gaza Strip had been killed even faster than the deadliest moment in the US led wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, when the US government had attracted widespread criticism from "human rights organizations", let alone the current Israeli government?

On May 10 local time, before the vote of the General Assembly began on the same day, Gild Erdan, the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, once again referred to Hitler and Nazi Germany, and said that the establishment of the United Nations was to ensure that such tyranny would not rise again. "Today, you are doing the opposite. You are welcoming a terrorist country to the United Nations. You have opened the door of the United Nations to modern Nazism. It makes me feel sick ".

Erdan claimed that the United Nations was appeasing "ferocious dictators" and destroying the Charter of the United Nations, which will be recorded in history. Finally, he held up a portable electric paper shredder and smashed the cover of the booklet of the Charter of the United Nations on the spot.

 Eldan, the representative of Israel: I broke the charter! From @ Xu Dezhi at UN Eldan, the representative of Israel: I broke the charter! From @ Xu Dezhi at UN

It is worth mentioning that later that day, when asked how to comment on Eldan's amazing act of "smashing the Charter of the United Nations" in the General Assembly, the Deputy Spokesperson of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Farhan, stressed that he would not comment specifically on the actions of representatives of various countries.

"I have been in the United Nations for a long time, and I have seen too many (plays)." Then, Farhan took out a new Charter of the United Nations from his clothes, saying, "That is just one book, and there are many other books, such as this one, which is intact and the concept has not been damaged." He added, "The Charter will accompany us. As I said, this is the basic document of the United Nations. As long as the United Nations remains, the Charter will remain. "

 Farhan, Deputy Spokesperson of the Secretary General of the United Nations: Look, I've made another one! From @ Xu Dezhi at UN Farhan, Deputy Spokesperson of the Secretary General of the United Nations: Look, I've made another one! From @ Xu Dezhi at UN

   This article is the exclusive contribution of Observer Network, and cannot be reproduced without authorization.

Editor in charge: Trish

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