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The United States stumbled at the United Nations again, angrily scolding: China and Russia must be carnival

The United States stumbled at the United Nations again, angrily scolding: China and Russia must be carnival
09:47, August 26, 2020 Global Times

Former title: The United States stumbled again at the United Nations, and angrily scolded: China and Russia must be carnival

According to several foreign media reports, on Tuesday local time, the United Nations Security Council rejected the request of the US government, which had withdrawn from the "Iran Nuclear Agreement", to restart all sanctions against Iran.

It also angered the United States representative to the United Nations.

Let's briefly talk about the background.

First of all, we reported two days ago that according to the Iranian nuclear agreement adopted in 2015 and the provisions of the United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015), Iran's previous embargo on conventional weapons will expire in mid October this year, when Iran can purchase conventional weapons from other countries.

This is the content set by the UN Security Council that year to encourage Iran to comply with the nuclear agreement. At the same time, in order to encourage Iran to comply with the agreement, the United Nations Security Council also stipulated in its resolution 2231 (2015) that a number of economic sanctions previously imposed by the Security Council on Iran were invalid.

 (Screenshot from the text of UN Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)) (Screenshot from the text of UN Security Council resolution 2231 (2015))

However, the US government, which could not tolerate Iran's access to weapons, voted in the UN Security Council to extend the arms embargo on Iran indefinitely.

However, except for the Dominican Republic's support for the United States, other members of the Security Council, including the United States' traditional allies in Europe, did not support the United States, which led to the United States being weakened in this matter.

  (The screenshot comes from the US media reporting that the Security Council refused to extend the arms embargo on Iran indefinitely.) (The screenshot comes from the US media reporting that the Security Council refused to extend the arms embargo on Iran indefinitely.)

However, the United States government, unwilling to fail, has played rascals again.

Originally, Resolution 2231 (2015) adopted by the UN Security Council in support of the Iran Nuclear Agreement at that time also contained a "snapback" clause, which stipulated that if any of the six countries participating in the Iran Nuclear Agreement, namely China, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, was dissatisfied with Iran's implementation of the nuclear agreement, You can make a complaint.

In this way, the Security Council will have to vote to decide whether to continue to let those sanctions that have expired against Iran continue to expire. If the vote cannot be passed within 30 days after receiving the complaint, Iran will be re imposed those sanctions.

The US government, which has already announced its formal withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement in 2018, intends to rascally claim that it is still a participant in the agreement, and then wants to impose more severe sanctions on Iran through this "fallback" clause. Just last week, Secretary of State Pompeo shamelessly said that the United States still has the right to do so.

  (Screenshot from the text of UN Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)) (Screenshot from the text of UN Security Council resolution 2231 (2015))

But on Tuesday, the United Nations Security Council once again slapped the US government and the Pompeo people. According to the Associated Press, a recent vote by the Security Council shows that 13 of the 15 member countries do not believe that the United States is still a participant in the Iran nuclear agreement, so it is illegal for the United States to use the "fallback" clause.

  (The picture is reported by the Associated Press) (The picture is reported by the Associated Press)

The report of Fox News also mentioned that France, Britain and Germany, European allies who have been pushed around by the Trump administration in the past few years, also clearly stated that they believe that the United States is no longer a participant in the Iran nuclear agreement, and that the United States is not qualified to use the "fallback" clause.

  (Screenshot from Fox News) (Screenshot from Fox News)

The voting result also made Kelly Craft, the US representative to the UN, "swear" in the Security Council, saying that the UN Security Council has "lost its way" and "stood with terrorists". She also angrily attacked China and Russia, saying that this "loss" of the Security Council was making China and Russia "carnival".

According to the reports of Fox News Network and the Associated Press, Kraft also claimed that the Trump authorities would not be intimidated by this result, and would not stop because of the limited support they received. He also said that the voting result obtained through the video conference had no legal effect, and that the United States would persist in order to suppress Iran.

Finally, according to the earlier reports of some mainstream media in the United States, the Trump administration will continue to stumble against the United Nations in the matter of sanctions against Iran. In fact, it is the Trump administration that has caused it, or even trapped itself.

After all, the reason why there is such a "fallback" clause in the Iranian nuclear agreement is that the Obama administration of the United States created an "insurance" mechanism to control Iran. Trump, who had come to power to reliably incite populism, did not seem to see Obama's good intentions on Iran, which he disliked. He mistakenly believed that this agreement was tolerant of Iran, and, in spite of heavy domestic and international opposition, forced the United States to withdraw from the "Iran Nuclear Agreement" that would have given the United States many initiatives on Iran.

Therefore, many American media also think that after he withdrew from the agreement, he has to take the terms of the agreement to make things happen, which is really embarrassing.

Editor in charge: Wu Jinming

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