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A businessman was sentenced to one year and six months in prison for falsely accusing officials of asking for bribes due to emotional disputes

A businessman was sentenced to one year and six months in prison for falsely accusing officials of asking for bribes due to emotional disputes
21:53, May 17, 2024 Red Star News

On May 17, the Supervision Committee of Sichuan Aba Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission reported a typical case of false accusation and frame up. Ze was sentenced to one year and six months' imprisonment for the crime of false accusation and frame up.

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It was reported that Ze, a businessman from a county in Aba Prefecture, has been engaged in construction, decoration and other projects for a long time. In April 2023, the real name of Qin, who was then the deputy director of a bureau in the county, was reported to the superior discipline inspection and supervision authority for offering help in a project and asking for bribes. In May 2023, Ze went to the higher discipline inspection and supervision authority again to report in real name. In the subsequent verification process, Ze said that the problems reported were true, and he was willing to bear the corresponding legal responsibility, and signed in the inquiry record for confirmation.

With the deepening of the investigation, there are more and more doubts about the problems reported by Ze. The local discipline inspection and supervision authority organized forces to conduct a comprehensive inspection, and finally found out that the problems reported by Ze were fabricated. It was verified that Mr. Ze had a grudge against Mr. Qin due to emotional disputes, fabricated the relevant facts of Mr. Qin's demand for bribes, and falsely accused Mr. Qin under his real name, with the intention of making him subject to disciplinary and criminal punishment.

Because Ze's behavior has been suspected of false accusation and frame up, the county's discipline inspection and supervision organ will transfer the problem clues to the public security organ for handling. In November 2023, the public security organ will detain Ze in accordance with the law and transfer him to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution in January 2024. In February 2024, Ze was sentenced to one year and six months in prison for the crime of false accusation and frame up.

The Supervision Committee of Aba Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission said that in the above cases, Ze's false accusation and false reporting had disturbed the normal order of complaint reporting, wasted resources for supervision, discipline enforcement and law enforcement, and caused serious adverse effects, which must be severely punished. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels have always insisted on investigating and punishing false accusations and frame ups and clarifying and rectifying their names as a whole. They have always maintained "zero tolerance" for malicious reports and false accusations and frame ups. They have timely transferred suspected violations of laws and crimes to judicial organs to investigate their legal responsibilities. They have resolutely found, investigated and exposed one case at a time, resolutely stopped malicious reports and false accusations and framed up evil practices, and showed their swords against false accusers, Support the workers.

Red Star Journalist Wang Mingping

Editor in charge: Trish

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