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China Coast Guard: The Philippines is solely responsible for the collision caused by the intentional dangerous approach of the Philippine ship to the Chinese ship

China Coast Guard: The Philippines is solely responsible for the collision caused by the intentional dangerous approach of the Philippine ship to the Chinese ship
07:16, June 17, 2024 Beijing News Author: Beijing News

Beijing News According to the micro news of the Chinese maritime police officer, on June 17, a Philippine ship illegally entered the waters adjacent to Ren'ai Reef in China's Nansha Islands, and the Chinese maritime police took control measures against Philippine ships according to law. At 5:59, the Philippine ship, in defiance of China's repeated severe warnings, violated the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, and deliberately approached the Chinese normal navigation ship in an unprofessional manner, causing collision, which was entirely the responsibility of the Philippines.

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Editor in charge: Zhang Yu

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