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The Chinese delegation to the World Health Assembly: It is inappropriate and impractical for the Taiwan authorities to instigate a few countries to abandon their Taiwan related proposals

The Chinese delegation to the World Health Assembly: It is inappropriate and impractical for the Taiwan authorities to instigate a few countries to abandon their Taiwan related proposals
21:22, May 26, 2024 Beijing News Author: Shi Song, Chen Junxia

According to Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, May 26, the Chinese delegation to the World Health Assembly held a media briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, on the 25th. Cao Xuetao, Deputy Director of the National Health Commission, Yang Zhilun, Minister Counsellor of the Permanent Missions of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, and Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission, attended the briefing and answered questions from the reporters.

Cao Xuetao will lead a delegation to the 77th World Health Assembly, which will open on the 27th. He said that for a long time, China has been committed to strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the field of health with the World Health Organization and other countries, and constantly promoting the building of a community of human health. China actively participates in international organizations and regional cooperation mechanisms in the field of health and shares China's experience.

Cao Xuetao said that after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, China promptly reported the epidemic information to the international community, including the WHO, relevant countries and regional organizations, for nearly 3000 times; Sharing multiple technical documents such as epidemic prevention and control and diagnosis and treatment plans with more than 160 countries and more than 10 international and regional organizations around the world, and carrying out nearly 300 expert seminars or teleconferences; 38 anti epidemic expert groups were sent to 34 countries affected by the epidemic; To guide the Chinese medical teams stationed in more than 50 countries for a long time to assist them in epidemic prevention and control.

Cao Xuetao also said that China has signed health cooperation agreements with more than 160 countries and international organizations, built cooperation platforms such as the "Belt and Road" public health cooperation network, expanded the "circle of friends" of cooperation, and promoted global and regional health development. At the same time, China has also continued to send Chinese medical personnel to countries in need, carried out counterpart cooperation with 48 hospitals in 43 countries, and implemented cataract vision restoration and heart disease surgery in more than 30 countries, saving countless lives.

Yang Zhilun said at the briefing that at present, all parties in the world are carrying out dialogue and cooperation on how to prevent and respond to pandemics, promote the health and well-being of all human beings, and explore ways and paths to improve the global health governance system. At this critical moment, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities instigated a few countries to throw out the proposal of "inviting Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer" again, which was full of antagonism. It was neither appropriate nor practical.

Yang Zhilun said that the resolution 2758 of the United Nations General Assembly in 1971 and the resolution 25.1 of the World Health Assembly in 1972 clearly pointed out that the recognition of representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations organization has solved the issue of China's representation in the United Nations, including Taiwan, from the political, legal and procedural aspects. These legal documents fully and accurately interpret the core connotation of the one China principle, that is, there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is a part of China, and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China. The Taiwan related proposal runs counter to the one China principle, is illegal, invalid, and has no legal basis.

Yang Zhilun also said that the Chinese central government attaches great importance to the health and well-being of Taiwan compatriots, and under the one China principle, it has made appropriate arrangements for Taiwan's participation in global health affairs, fully guaranteeing the health rights of Taiwan people. For some time, the overwhelming majority of countries in the international community have reiterated to China their adherence to General Assembly resolution 2758, their firm support for the one China principle, and their opposition to Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly. Hundreds of countries have supported China's position by sending a special letter to the Director General of WHO. This reflects the aspirations and general trend of the international community. A very few countries use the World Health Assembly to play the "Taiwan card" and engage in "making China with Taiwan". Standing on the opposite side of most countries, they become an absolute "minority". I believe that the Assembly will make the right choice again.

At the briefing, Mi Feng said that the Chinese government has always placed people's health in the strategic position of priority development, comprehensively promoted the construction of a healthy China, and actively promoted health coverage for all. At present, China has built the world's largest medical and health service system, as well as the world's largest medical security system.

Mi Feng said that China actively participates in global health governance to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. The Chinese government insists on sending medical teams to developing countries to promote the health of all people in developing countries with practical actions.

The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva from May 27 to June 1. The general debate theme of the meeting is "All for health, everyone enjoys health". The Chinese delegation said that it would actively and deeply participate in the consultations on various technical topics of the World Health Assembly, and actively participate in briefings, round table discussions and other activities of WHO member countries, to carry out exchanges with all parties, and to promote international cooperation in the field of health with WHO and relevant countries.

Editor in charge: Liu Guangbo

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