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The official refutes the rumor that someone has entered the giant panda "Fubao" to touch, feed and shoot the false information

The official refutes the rumor that someone has entered the giant panda "Fubao" to touch, feed and shoot the false information
15:00, May 26, 2024 Beijing News Author: Beijing News

Beijing News According to the WeChat official account of the "China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center", the living environment of the giant panda "Fubao" is poor, and some people enter the "Fubao" room to touch, feed, and shoot rumors.


Poor living environment of giant panda "Fubao"? Someone enters the "Fubao" room to touch, feed and photograph Fubao?


The Wolong Shenshuping Base Breeding Park, the panda center where the giant panda "Fubao" now lives, is equipped with communication windows between adjacent animal houses, which is conducive to the integration of giant panda "Fubao" into the base's giant panda population. In addition, the breeding management space in the breeding park is also convenient for the keepers to observe and take care of the giant panda "Fubao", communicate with it to build trust and reduce stress reaction. It is verified that no non staff has entered the breeding park to touch, feed or take photos of the giant panda "Fubao". According to the current adaptation of the giant panda "Fubao", the Base plans to transfer the giant panda "Fubao" to the open area in the near future, and meet the public after it gradually adapts.

Editor in charge: Liu Guangbo

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