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This year's "litchi freedom" is difficult, and the output of some varieties is only 20% of that of last year

This year's "litchi freedom" is difficult, and the output of some varieties is only 20% of that of last year
17:17, May 24, 2024 China Business Network Author: Jieshuyi

As one of the representatives of summer fruits, litchi has been deeply loved by consumers. However, compared with the big harvest of litchi in domestic production areas last year, this is a "small year" of litchi. Can consumers still enjoy "freedom of litchi" this year?

"Grade A Concubine Smile is now 32.9 yuan per kilogram, and the retail price is indeed 10% - 20% higher than last year." On May 24, the owner of a fruit shop in Pudong New Area, Shanghai told the First Financial reporter. Later, the reporter found that the retail price of various varieties of litchi this year was 10% - 30% higher than last year.

This is also the case that the reporter from China Business News has learned from many online fresh food e-commerce platforms. On the whole, the output of litchi in major production areas has declined year-on-year and the price has risen this year.

Wang Wei, who is engaged in fruit procurement on an e-commerce platform, told China Business News that the price of litchi this year was 10% higher than that of last year. In terms of output, this year's litchi production in Hainan production area decreased by about 30% compared with that of last year. Guangdong production area needs to wait for the 26th to start picking in succession before judging. At present, the prediction is also about 30% reduction. "The varieties in Hainan production area are mainly Feizixiao, White Sugar Poppy, Osmanthus Fragrance and Litchi King. In addition to Feizixiao, White Sugar Poppy and a small number of Litchi King, the rest are basically annihilated. There are many varieties in Guangdong, including Nuomici, Lichi King, White Sugar Poppy, Jade Bag, Xianjinfeng, Gualv, Guiwei, Crystal Ball, Feizixiao, etc. The most serious production reduction is Guiwei, which is only 1-2% of last year's output. " Wang Wei said.

Zhang Chao, the buyer of Hema fruits, said that this year's planned purchase volume of Litchi on the Hema platform was about 4000 tons, and the total planned volume was the same as that of last year. However, the decrease of litchi production did lead to the increase of procurement costs. Zhou Jiang, the development specialist of Dingdong Shopping Base, said that 2024 is the year of litchi, and the overall output is lower than last year.

According to Zhou Jiang, the situation of litchi yield reduction is slightly different in terms of varieties in different production areas. At present, the output and price of Hainan production area represented by the early maturing variety Feizixiao have little impact compared with last year, and the late maturing varieties in Guangdong production area are more affected. At present, the price of litchi in Hainan production area is about 19.9/500g, which is flat compared with the same period last year. Hainan is the earliest producing area of litchi; Then there are Guangdong production areas, mainly including Guiwei, Xianjinfeng and other late maturing varieties.

Climate is an important reason for litchi yield reduction.

According to the data of the National Litchi and Longan Industrial Technology Research and Development Center, the total output of litchi in China this year is 1.78 million tons, 45.94% less than that of last year. Among them, Guangdong and Guangxi reduced litchi production significantly. The yield of medium and late maturing varieties such as Heiye, Huaizhi, Guiwei, Nuomici and Jizui Litchi decreased by 60% - 80%.

As for the reason of litchi yield reduction, Su Yingyi, a senior buyer of the original life, said that the flowering rate and fruit setting rate of litchi were seriously reduced due to the adverse weather conditions such as insufficient cold weather in winter and continuous rainy weather. "For all varieties, the production of seedless litchi, Guiwei and Nuomici is particularly serious this year, which is expected to reach about 10% of that of last year; Jingganghong and Xianjinfeng are about 50% of that of last year; white sugar poppy also has a production reduction, which is about 20% or less; in comparison, the production of Feizixiao this year has not fluctuated much, which is basically the same as that of last year. With the sharp decrease of output, the market supply of litchi is tight, which is expected to lead to price increase. In particular, the prices of seedless litchi, Guiwei and Nuomici are expected to rise significantly. "

In the face of litchi production reduction, many consumers are worried that "litchi freedom" cannot be achieved. Fortunately, lychee is no longer exclusive to Guangdong and Guangxi. Many businesses make up the production capacity of Guangdong and Guangxi by switching to more productive areas, and also reduce procurement costs by locking the supply of goods in advance.

According to Zhang Chao, Sichuan and Yunnan are also the regions where Hema litchi is purchased, which can further extend the sales cycle of litchi. Zhang Chao further said that, at present, as the early maturing varieties Guihuaxiang and Feizixiao are not affected by weather factors, this year the Hema Club specially increased the purchase of two varieties to reduce the terminal price, especially through cooperation with the base, to extend the sales cycle of Feizixiao through production area switching, ultra-low temperature fresh locking and other measures. For Litchi King, seedless, Guiwei, Nuomici and other varieties with obvious yield reduction, the supply chain will also be optimized by means of packaging orchards, locking the source of goods in advance, direct procurement at the base, etc., to reduce procurement costs and improve turnover efficiency.

Dingdong said that it has already arranged in advance from the supply chain side, and the lychee commodity developers have arrived in Guangdong lychee production areas to determine the number of lychees in advance, so as to increase the first-hand supply of lychees sold by Dingdong, to ensure users' "freedom of fresh lychees".

Editor in charge: Liu Guangbo

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