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China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center: rumour that the giant panda "Lin Hui" in Thailand was beaten to death

China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center: rumour that the giant panda "Lin Hui" in Thailand was beaten to death
14:10, May 23, 2024 Beijing News Author: Beijing News

Beijing News On May 22, the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center posted an article on the official microblog saying that "the giant panda 'Lin Hui' in Thailand was beaten to death" was a rumor.

It is reported that on April 19, 2023, the giant panda "Lin Hui" in Thailand died. After the joint expert group of China and Thailand carried out autopsy on the body of giant panda "Lin Hui" and pathological and pathogenic examination on more than 50 samples, it was judged that the giant panda "Lin Hui" who was entering the old age stage died of multiple organ failure due to atherosclerosis and embolism. The nosebleed of the giant panda "Lin Hui" is caused by hemangioma in its nasal cavity, and the fur of other parts is contaminated. The Chinese expert team also made a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the facilities, medical team, food management, health system and diet management of the Chiang Mai Zoo, and the relevant conditions met the requirements of giant panda breeding management and disease prevention and control.

Since the launch of the China Thailand giant panda cooperative research project 20 years ago, the two sides have made positive achievements in the protection and breeding of endangered species, disease prevention and control, public education and other aspects, making positive contributions to enhancing the friendship between the Chinese and Thai people. The Panda Center has previously made a public statement about the death of "Lin Hui". It is rumored that the giant panda "Lin Hui" was beaten to death on the Internet.

Editor: Liu Mengjie


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