Action Plan of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Poland on Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (2024-2027) (full text)

Action Plan of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Poland on Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (2024-2027) (full text)
12:43, June 25, 2024 Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 24

   Action Plan of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Poland on Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (2024-2027)

From June 22 to 26, 2024, the President of the Republic of Poland, Anjay Duda, paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China. During his visit, President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China held talks with President Duda. The two heads of state exchanged in-depth views on China Poland relations and international and regional issues of common concern, fully affirmed the positive development momentum of China Poland relations, and reached broad consensus on a range of issues. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, and Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, met with President Duda respectively.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Poland. In order to carry forward traditional friendship, deepen political mutual trust, expand exchanges and cooperation in all fields and at all levels of the two countries, and promote the continuous development of bilateral relations to a higher level, both sides agreed to formulate and actively implement the action plan of the two countries on strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership (2024-2027).

The two sides confirmed that priority should be given to cooperation in the following areas: economic and trade investment, connectivity, science and technology and green development, and people to people and cultural exchanges.

1、 Economic and trade investment

(1) Recognizing the huge potential of China Poland economic and trade cooperation, the two sides are willing to establish a more balanced bilateral economic and trade partnership, encourage all departments and institutions to use existing mechanisms to deepen bilateral economic and trade cooperation and expand mutual market access, including strengthening enterprise docking and creating other opportunities. The two sides will actively improve the trade balance and expand the access of Polish products to the Chinese market.

(2) The two sides held a new regular meeting of the China Poland Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation on June 5, 2024, establishing the China Poland Trade Facilitation Working Group and the Permanent Working Group on Investment Promotion.

(3) The two sides are willing to work together to promote the export of Polish products to China, facilitate the access to inspection and quarantine of agricultural products, and expand the scale of trade in agricultural and food products. The two sides are willing to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in animal and plant quarantine and import and export food safety. The two sides will promote Polish poultry, fresh blueberries, beans and wild aquatic products to be exported to China as soon as possible. The two sides will be committed to reaching an agreement on the cooperation agreement on the regional management of highly pathogenic avian influenza by the end of 2024, and signing the cooperation agreement thereafter.

(4) The two sides are willing to actively explore ways and steps to expand imports from Poland, jointly facilitate Polish exports to China and promote more Polish products to enter the Chinese market under the newly established China Poland Trade Facilitation Working Group mechanism.

(5) The two sides support China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Poland Investment and Trade Bureau and other trade and investment promotion agencies of the two countries to strengthen cooperation. The two sides support two-way investment cooperation in electric vehicles, green development, logistics and other fields, improve the investment environment, and provide an equal opportunity and fair competition business environment for enterprises of the two countries to enter the other's market.

(6) The two sides are willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation in intellectual property policies and regulations, patent and trademark examination, application and transformation of intellectual property, intellectual property protection, personnel training, public services and other fields. The two sides are willing to continue to make good use of the patent review highway and the China Poland liaison mechanism, bridge intellectual property differences, resolve patent related issues, and provide support for enterprises in both countries to obtain effective intellectual property protection. Both sides stressed the importance of exploring the application of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and intellectual property rights, and committed to jointly preventing and effectively combating intellectual property rights violations, including counterfeiting and piracy, maliciously registered trademarks, patents and designs. The two sides advocate strengthening coordination and cooperation to jointly create a good business and legal environment.

2、 Interconnection

(1) The two sides are willing to negotiate and sign agreements on deepening bilateral cooperation in the railway field, further strengthen railway cooperation, promote the connectivity of Asia Europe railways, and jointly create stable, economic and efficient transport corridors.

(2) Both sides believe that China Poland Shipping Company is a model of shipping cooperation between the two countries and support its continued rapid development. China Poland Shipping Company will actively provide shipping services for the development of China Poland trade.

(3) The two sides will continue to strengthen inter customs cooperation, further deepen cooperation on customs trade security and customs clearance facilitation, including "point-to-point" inter customs cooperation, strengthen the effective and correct application of customs laws, and help ensure the interconnection of China EU and China Poland industrial chain supply chains.

(4) The two sides are willing to update the China Poland civil aviation transport agreement in due time to provide more opportunities for airline operations. The two sides appreciate the efforts made by the two countries to ensure flight operations, and are willing to further support the airlines of the two countries to gradually increase direct flights and routes, so as to facilitate direct flight operations under the principle of fair competition.

3、 Science and technology and green development

(1) The two sides are willing to make full use of the mechanism of the China Poland Intergovernmental Science and Technology Cooperation Committee to support the scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises of the two countries to deepen scientific research cooperation.

(2) The two sides will adhere to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as the main channel for international climate governance, and are willing to uphold the objectives, principles and institutional framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, and continue to conduct frank dialogue and exchanges on climate change issues. Poland is willing to strengthen information exchange and practical cooperation with China on greenhouse gas emission reduction and adaptation to climate change.

(3) Both sides are committed to strengthening scientific research in environmental protection technology, biodiversity conservation and other environmental and climate change related fields.

(4) The two sides noted the cooperation opportunities and the potential of biogas technology cooperation in green technology, recycling, waste treatment and other fields. The two sides will continue to make efforts to improve the resilience of the economy, environment and society to cope with climate change, and strive to cope with and reduce the risks of climate change. Both sides welcomed the positive contribution of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund to biodiversity financing.

(5) The two sides will strengthen cooperation in green economy fields such as new materials, clean energy, sustainable development, and diversified energy and resource supply. Driven by economic sustainability and fair competition, they will promote the transformation to sustainable low-carbon energy such as solar energy, geothermal energy, and wind energy.

4、 People to people and cultural exchanges

(1) The two sides are willing to continue to strengthen exchanges between artists, experts, scholars and cultural institutions of the two countries to enhance exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. Both sides will further strengthen sports exchanges and cooperation.

(2) The two sides will earnestly implement the existing cultural cooperation protocol and open friendly consultations on a new round of cultural cooperation protocol.

(3) The two sides are willing to further strengthen cooperation in the field of higher education and encourage both universities to jointly hold relevant activities.

(4) Both sides attach importance to education, language and cultural exchanges, and are willing to strengthen the exchange of language teachers, compile the first Chinese Polish and Polish Chinese dictionary, and promote friendly exchanges between the youth of the two countries.

(5) Both sides reaffirmed the importance of tourism industry to enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples and promote economic recovery after the epidemic.

(6) The two sides agreed to actively promote high-quality and sustainable growth of tourist exchanges between the two countries, and are willing to strengthen cooperation between tourism institutions and industries to promote practical exchanges in tourism product development. The two sides are willing to further promote visa facilitation under their respective legal frameworks.

(7) Both sides support deepening China Poland local cooperation and are willing to convene a new China Poland local cooperation forum in due course.

Editor in charge: Wang Shumiao SN242