To further comprehensively deepen reform, we need to highlight the key points -- On the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium of enterprises and experts

To further comprehensively deepen reform, we need to highlight the key points -- On the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium of enterprises and experts
11:36, May 27, 2024 People's Daily

"Highlighting the reform focus", General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium of enterprises and experts and delivered an important speech, stressing that "to further deepen the reform comprehensively, we should grasp the main aspects of the main contradictions and contradictions", put forward clear requirements for promoting the reform of the economic system and other fields, and pointed out the main direction for further deepening the reform comprehensively It provides important ideas and methods.

It is our valuable experience in planning reform and promoting development to give priority to solving major contradictions and major aspects of contradictions, achieve key breakthroughs in the overall progress, and drive the overall leap of economic and social development level with key breakthroughs. Since the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has constantly deepened its understanding of the law of reform, deployed reforms in all aspects closely around the first priority of development, provided a strong traction for reform by liberating and developing the social productive forces, made comprehensive efforts, made breakthroughs in many ways, and pushed forward in depth, and basically established the basic institutional framework in all fields, In many fields, historic changes, systematic remolding and overall reconstruction have been achieved. Practice has fully proved that only by holding the "bull's nose" of reform and focusing on important fields, tasks and pilot projects, as well as key subjects, links and nodes, can we drive the overall situation with focus and implement various reform tasks.

To uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must constantly adapt to the development of social productive forces, adjust the relations of production, and constantly adapt to the development of the economic base to improve the superstructure. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should adhere to and develop China's basic economic system, build a high-level socialist market economy, improve the macroeconomic governance system and promote high-quality development systems and mechanisms, and improve systems and mechanisms to support comprehensive innovation, urban and rural integration and development". Practice tells us that firmly grasping the emancipation of the mind, liberating and developing social productivity, liberating and enhancing social vitality can provide a strong impetus for other aspects of reform, and affect the corresponding promotion of other aspects of reform. To further deepen the reform comprehensively, we should pay more attention to the key points, take the reform of the economic system as the guide, further liberate and develop the social productive forces, enhance social vitality, promote the production relations to better adapt to the productive forces, the superstructure and the economic foundation, and continue to inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and promoting Chinese style modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To promote economic system reform, we should proceed from practical needs, start with the most urgent things, deepen theoretical innovation and promote institutional innovation in solving practical problems. Reform in other fields should also focus on overall and strategic issues, plan reform measures, and achieve a clear outline." Reform and opening up have gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, but still need to cross mountains and rivers. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward a series of major reform measures, which is a major strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee for comprehensively deepening reform in the new era and new journey. On the way forward, we should make overall plans and grasp the key points, focus on the major issues in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, plan and promote reform, while focusing on promoting economic restructuring, make overall plans for reform in the fields of education, science and technology talents, politics, rule of law, culture, society, ecology, national security and party building, We will work hard to solve the problems that restrict the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development, the pain points and difficulties in the development environment and people's livelihood, and the focus and hot issues that run counter to social fairness and justice. We will work hard to overcome some difficulties in overcoming the drawbacks of various systems and mechanisms, and adjusting the deep-seated interests, so as to continuously increase the momentum and vitality of economic and social development.

Promoting Chinese style modernization is a systematic project. Focusing on this theme, scientifically planning major measures to further comprehensively deepen reform, highlighting key reform tasks, and making new breakthroughs in important areas and key links will certainly promote Chinese style modernization and turn the grand blueprint into a beautiful reality step by step.

Editor in charge: Wang Shumiao SN242