New cultural observation | The beauty of passing through four centuries

New cultural observation | The beauty of passing through four centuries
16:15, May 20, 2024 Xinhua News Agency

On May 19, we welcomed the 14th "China Tourism Day".

In the important instructions on tourism recently given by General Secretary Xi Jinping, he proposed five missions and tasks of the tourism industry: serving a better life, promoting economic development, building a spiritual home, showing the image of China, and promoting mutual learning of civilizations.

The first priority is "serving a better life", which is closely related to the general public and the daily fireworks.

You may not know that the "China Tourism Day" was set on May 19, because Xu Xiake, a great traveler, set out on that day in 1613, with a happy mood of "clouds are scattered and the sun is bright, people are happy about the mountains," and began his long journey.

Over 400 years, Xu Xiake's wonderful experience from tourism is still pure today.

   Through tourism, we appreciate the beauty of nature——

Mountains and rivers are all beautiful. The vast and fertile plain, the rippling water town, the vast and magnificent grasslands, the vast and boundless deserts, the surging rivers and seas, the towering and straight mountains... 9.6 million square kilometers of land is extremely rich in tourism resources, and the beauty of nature is endless.

Besides famous mountains and rivers, the scenery around should not be missed. From the recent "sudden rise" of county tourism, it can be seen that rural areas in the suburbs of cities and short and medium distance destinations accessible by car have become more and more people's choices for leisure tourism. Countless "treasure" counties have sprung up, proving that the original ecology and good environment do not necessarily need to seek a distant future.

  In early summer, the Xiaoqikong Scenic Spot in Libo County, Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, is green and beautiful, attracting many tourists. Photographed by Tao Liang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency In early summer, the Xiaoqikong Scenic Spot in Libo County, Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, is green and beautiful, attracting many tourists. Photographed by Tao Liang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Even in cities, the construction of greenways, biking roads, recreation roads and country parks is constantly promoted. As part of the livelihood project and ecological project, they bring citizens closer to nature and make the beauty of nature more accessible.

   Through tourism, we realize the beauty of culture——

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Cultural prosperity is often an important tourist destination. For example, in Shandong, where Confucian culture, Qi culture, Yellow River culture, canal culture and Taishan culture are intertwined A level scenic spot in the province 1228, including 8 national tourism demonstration areas, ranking first in the country.

With culture, tourism is more enjoyable. The Yangtze River, the Yellow River, three mountains and five mountains are fascinating, in large part because people have left countless cultural marks here for thousands of years, giving mountains and rivers a unique humanistic spirit.

  On May 12, 2024, tourists will watch the performance in the 12:00 theme street in Chang'an, Xi'an. Photographed by Li Yibo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency On May 12, 2024, tourists will watch the performance in the 12:00 theme street in Chang'an, Xi'an. Photographed by Li Yibo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Culture itself is also an important tourism purpose. In recent years, the world cultural heritage tour, museum tour, ancient architecture tour and food tour have become more and more popular; Grade A red tourism scenic spots have developed rapidly and become a vivid classroom with strong patriotic feelings; Cultural phenomena such as "Village Evening", "Village Supermarket", "Village BA", concerts, movies and TV plays are also becoming more and more popular.

It can be predicted that with the continuous improvement of cultural self-confidence of Chinese people, people will pay more attention to the cultural factors in tourism and be able to experience the beauty of culture in tourism.

   Through tourism, we cultivate the beauty of the soul——

Recently, the "20 minute effect of the park" has been hotly discussed on social media. Some studies believe that people will become happy as long as they stay in the park for 20 minutes, even if they don't do any exercise.

It seems that the principles of scientific research are not difficult to understand. The beautiful natural environment and cultural environment of the park create a sense of "quiet time", where people feel relaxed and happy.

  Shangxian River Wetland Park in Wuxi, Jiangsu on May 12. Xinhua News Agency Shangxian River Wetland Park in Wuxi, Jiangsu on May 12. Xinhua News Agency

It is human nature to love beauty. Beautiful scenery and beautiful articles have aesthetic enjoyment in themselves. In addition to this enjoyment, the beauty of the country can also inspire patriotic feelings, the greatness of the world can be magnificent, and the prosperity of culture can also give people the spiritual strength to be confident and self reliant.

If you have enough rest, you can start better. Let the pace of life slow down in "poetry and distance", and put into the next work and life with full spirit.

"The great man is a man who lives in the blue sea at the dawn, but in the dusk, he is a man of great strength.". In the past, Xu Xiake saw picturesque mountains and rivers, and he was ambitious and recorded his footprints.

Today, we have more colorful playing methods, convenient transportation and confidence to go at will. The beauty of tourism has become more and more accessible in life. As the saying goes, "Don't worry about food, clothing, and leisure money to travel".

   In contemporary China, the country is magnificent and the people are heroic. "China Tourism Day" belongs to each of us, and everyone has the opportunity to become Xu Xiake. (Note: Xu Zhuang)

Editor in charge: Wang Shumiao SN242