Xi Jinping stressed continuous promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau during his visit to Qinghai, and worked hard to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization of Qinghai

Xi Jinping stressed continuous promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau during his visit to Qinghai, and worked hard to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization of Qinghai
13:14, June 20, 2024 CCTV

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed during his recent visit to Qinghai that Qinghai should conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, firmly grasp the strategic positioning of Qinghai in the overall situation of national development, give full play to its own advantages, adhere to deepening reform, expanding opening up, and adhere to ecological priority and green development, Adhere to national unity and common prosperity, make greater progress in promoting ecological protection and high-quality development on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization of Qinghai.

From June 18 to 19, accompanied by Chen Gang, Secretary of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, and Wu Xiaojun, Governor of Qinghai Province, Xi Jinping went deep into schools and religious places in Xining for research.

On the afternoon of the 18th, Xi Jinping first came to Guoluo Xining Ethnic Middle School for investigation. This is a boarding high school under the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Golog, funded and built by Shanghai. Xi Jinping listened to the introduction of Shanghai and other eastern regions' assistance to Qinghai's education work and school construction, inquired in detail about the composition of students, curriculum, physical exercise, Mandarin level, etc., walked into the canteen and dormitory buildings to check the students' dining and accommodation conditions, and instructed the canteen staff to ensure that the students' diet is safe, nutritious and delicious. After that, he came to Class 1 of Senior High School to observe the ideological and political course with the theme of "new era, new hometown". Xi Jinping was very happy to learn that the school integrated the content of ideological and political lessons into daily teaching, listened to the children's stories about the gratifying changes in their hometown in the new era, and saw the children's paintings. He said that the cooperation and counterpart support between the East and the West, including education, had achieved remarkable results, fully demonstrating the advantages of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and fully reflecting the warmth of the Chinese nation's family. We should take building a strong sense of the Chinese national community as a key point of the school's ideological and political course, tell a good story about the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics, tell a good story about the great cause of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation in the new era with Chinese style modernization, and tell a good story about the Chinese national community and national unity and progress, The awareness of the Chinese national community has been implanted into children's hearts since childhood.

On the square in front of the teaching building, teachers and students crowded around and said hello to the General Secretary. Xi Jinping kindly said to everyone that I came to visit teachers and students at my first stop in Xining. The secondary school built with the assistance of Shanghai has achieved remarkable results and far-reaching significance in cultivating children of all ethnic groups from the Golog pastoral area. I hope that the children will cherish the good conditions here, be grateful, study hard, develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and industrially, aspire to become successors and builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to win opportunities for themselves to excel in life. He wished the children success and healthy growth.

Later, Xi Jinping came to Hongjue Temple in Chengzhong District of Xining City. In the front courtyard of the temple, the head of the Democratic Management Committee of Hongjue Temple presented Hada to the General Secretary, and the monks greeted the General Secretary with incense burners and umbrellas. Xi Jinping visited the exhibition of the National Unity and Progress Education Base in Qinghai Province to learn about the history of temples and the care of older revolutionaries to promote ethnic and religious work. He went into the hall and listened to the introduction of the temple to strengthen daily management and promote national unity and progress. Xi Jinping pointed out that Hongjue Temple, a millennium old temple, has played an important role as a bridge and link in enhancing the connection between the central government of all previous dynasties and Tibetan Buddhism. We should protect this precious historical and cultural heritage and make new contributions to building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation and promoting national unity and progress. We should learn from the older generation of revolutionaries and do a better job of the Party's united front work, ethnic work and religious work in the new era. Xi Jinping stressed that to comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization requires the people of all ethnic groups in the country, including the majority of religious believers, to work together. It is hoped that the Tibetan Buddhist community in Qinghai will carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism and religious love, promote religious harmony, social harmony and national harmony, and play an active role in the process of Chinese style modernization.

On the morning of the 19th, Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Qinghai Provincial Government, and praised the achievements of Qinghai's work.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Qinghai is shouldering the major mission of maintaining ecological security, and industrial development must adhere to the principle of doing something and not doing something, and strive to cultivate a modern industrial system that reflects local characteristics and advantages. It is necessary to effectively gather resource elements, accelerate the construction of a world-class salt lake industrial base, and build a national clean energy industry highland, an international eco-tourism destination, and an export place of green organic agricultural and livestock products. Adhere to both scientific and technological research and development and achievements transformation, widely apply new technologies, adapt measures to local conditions to transform and upgrade traditional industries, develop strategic emerging industries, and cultivate new quality productivity. Further comprehensively deepen reform, expand opening up, optimize the business environment, take the initiative to connect with major strategies such as the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and promote the construction of the Green Silk Road. Plan the coordinated development of regions in the province, give full play to the supporting role of Xining, Haidong and Haixi, and develop the county economy and characteristic industries according to local conditions.

Xi Jinping stressed that the Qinghai Tibet Plateau ecosystem is rich, diverse and fragile. Strengthening ecological environment protection and maximizing ecological functions are the main tasks of this region. We must always give priority to ecology and green development, conscientiously implement the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law, fully implement the planning requirements for major functional areas, and build the Qinghai Tibet Plateau into a highland of ecological civilization. Adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, accelerate the implementation of major projects to protect and repair important ecosystems, and consolidate and improve the effectiveness of ecological environment protection. The most important thing is to protect the three river sources, the "Chinese water tower", protect biodiversity and improve water conservation capacity. Strengthen the construction of nature reserves system with national parks as the main body, and create a model of nature reserves with national representation and world influence. We will orderly promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas, develop eco-friendly industries, and accelerate the construction of a new energy system.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we should earnestly guarantee and improve people's livelihood, do our best, act according to our ability, do more practical things that are in line with public opinion, benefit people's livelihood, and warm people's hearts, and firmly solve the problems of people's urgent needs and anxieties. Plan the layout of basic public service facilities as a whole, and focus on enhancing the balanced accessibility of basic public services. Rural revitalization should focus on increasing the income of farmers and herdsmen, accelerate the revitalization of the plateau featured seed industry, develop green organic agriculture and animal husbandry, and promote the local specialty brands of the plateau. We will promote the construction of beautiful villages on the plateau and change customs. Implement the monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty return and ensure that large-scale poverty return does not occur. We will continue to do a good job of recovery and reconstruction after the Jishishan earthquake, and strengthen capacity building for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief.

Xi Jinping stressed that Qinghai is a province where ethnic minorities are concentrated, and we should continue to do a good job in ethnic and religious work. We will fully implement the Party's major policy for national work in the new era, adhere to the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, extensively carry out the work of building national unity and progress, and promote the all-round embeddedness, extensive exchanges, exchanges, and integration of all ethnic groups. We will fully implement the Party's theory, principles and policies on religious work in the new era, adhere to the Chinese orientation of religion in China, and strengthen the management of religious affairs, especially religious venues, in accordance with the law.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the party discipline learning and education is being carried out. It is necessary to really focus on practical learning, start well and finish well, and learn discipline to know discipline and promote discipline compliance. We will vigorously promote the spirit of the times with reform and innovation at the core and the spirit of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and encourage Party members and cadres to further emancipate their minds, change their ideas, forge ahead, and act responsibly. Adhere to the Party spirit, Party conduct, Party discipline, and anti-corruption, promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of work style construction, and continue to deepen the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level. We will improve the working mechanism of "dare not corrupt, can not corrupt, and do not want to corrupt", and form a healthy social ecology under the guidance of a clean and upright political ecology.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng and comrades in charge of relevant departments of the central and state organs accompanied the investigation.

Editor in charge: Trish