What articles does Xi Jinping require Shandong to do well?

What articles does Xi Jinping require Shandong to do well?
22:12, May 24, 2024 CCTV News Client

On May 22, we went to Rizhao for investigation. On the 23rd, he hosted a symposium of enterprises and experts in Jinan, where he received leading cadres of the troops stationed in Jinan at or above the colonel level. On the 24th, we listened to the work report of Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Shandong Provincial Government. General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Shandong this time is of great significance because of its important timing, tight schedule.

During the inspection, the General Secretary stressed that Shandong should set a good position in the overall situation of national development. How to view the coordinate position of Shandong to the whole country? In what aspects should Shandong be active and brave? Based on Shandong and looking at the whole country, what major events did the General Secretary talk about during the inspection? Political News Eye is for you.

△ Video: Xi Jinping's Investigation in Shandong


   Go to Shandong again at a critical time

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Shandong at important time points for many times.

In late November 2013, less than two weeks before the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee deliberated and passed the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform, the General Secretary went to Shandong for an investigation to promote the study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

In June 2018, after Qingdao hosted the SCO Summit, the General Secretary visited Shandong again, focusing on the implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress.

In October 2021, the General Secretary inspected the estuary of the Yellow River in Dongying, and hosted a symposium in Jinan to further promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. During the inspection, the General Secretary encouraged Shandong to "stay ahead" in three aspects.

In September last year, the General Secretary came to Zaozhuang, Shandong Province on his way back to Beijing after concluding his investigation in Zhejiang. He focused on the pomegranate industry here and wished the villagers a prosperous life like pomegranate fruit.

 △ The Yellow River flows into the sea from Dongying, Shandong. (Photographed by Li Jin, a reporter from the National Radio and Television Bureau) △ The Yellow River flows into the sea from Dongying, Shandong. (Photographed by Li Jin, a reporter from the National Radio and Television Bureau)

In the early summer of this year, the General Secretary visited Shandong for the fifth time, which was also an important investigation on the eve of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. On the second day of the investigation, the General Secretary hosted a symposium of enterprises and experts in Jinan to listen to suggestions on further deepening the reform comprehensively.

On the third day of the investigation, the General Secretary delivered an important speech at the work report meeting of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Shandong Provincial Government. He stressed that Shandong should strive to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization with further comprehensive reform as the driving force. He asked Shandong to continue to "go ahead" in three aspects and put forward the ardent expectation of "setting a good position and picking the beam".

How to compose the chapter of Chinese modernization in Shandong? In his speech, the General Secretary focused on four articles.

  △ Jinan, Shandong. (Filmed by General Radio reporter Cao Xiaofei) △ Jinan, Shandong. (Filmed by General Radio reporter Cao Xiaofei)


   Do a good job of "economic development article"

Shandong is a major economic province in China and plays an important role in the overall development of the country.

During this visit, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Shandong has great potential in promoting the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, developing new quality productivity, and improving the modern industrial system.

Among the clear requirements put forward by the General Secretary for Shandong, a leading area, a growth pole and a development highland are particularly eye-catching.

"Pilot area" refers to accelerating the construction of green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot area. In October 2021, the General Secretary pointed out that green and low-carbon development is a trend, and those who follow it will prosper. During this inspection, the General Secretary came to Rizhao Port to learn about the promotion of intelligent and green port construction. At the work report meeting of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the provincial government, he stressed that we should vigorously promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the development mode, and promote green environmental technology innovation and industrial development.

 △ Shengli Oilfield. (Shot by Guo Xiaolong, a reporter from CCTV) △ Shengli Oilfield. (Shot by Guo Xiaolong, a reporter from CCTV)

"Growth pole" refers to an important economic growth pole in northern China. Shandong is not only the eastern coastal area, but also an important province to implement the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River basin. The General Secretary asked Shandong to deeply connect with the regional coordinated development strategy and strive to become an important economic growth pole in the northern region.

"Development highland" refers to the highland of modern marine economic development. Shandong has a unique advantage of rich marine resources. In previous visits to Shandong, the General Secretary has seen and talked about the sea many times, emphasizing the need to promote the construction of a strong maritime province. During this visit, he once again stressed that Shandong should manage the sea, strive to be strong in the sea, and build a highland of modern marine economic development.

As a big economic province, we must be brave. The General Secretary put forward a clear request on how to do a good job in Shandong's "economic development article" this time, which will further encourage Shandong to add glory to both the region and the overall situation.

  △ Rizhao, Shandong. (Filmed by Fan Kai, a reporter from CCTV) △ Rizhao, Shandong. (Filmed by Fan Kai, a reporter from CCTV)


   Do a good job of "reform and opening up article"

In 2013, after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Shandong to investigate, and gave a vivid "reform implementation lesson". He stressed that learning and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee should focus on strengthening confidence, building consensus and implementing it.

This visit to Shandong coincides with the upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. How to further deepen the reform comprehensively? In addition to focusing on the discussion at the symposium of enterprises and experts, the General Secretary again talked about it at the work report meeting of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Shandong Provincial Government.

The General Secretary pointed out that it is necessary to focus on promoting Chinese style modernization, work hard to solve the outstanding contradictions that restrict high-quality development, and use real strength to improve the system, improve the mechanism, stimulate vitality and add impetus.

  △ Rizhao Port. (Filmed by Song Shuai, a general reporter) △ Rizhao Port. (Filmed by Song Shuai, a general reporter)

In addition to striving to take the lead in further deepening reform in an all-round way, Shandong should also strive to be the first in promoting high-level opening up.

During this visit, the General Secretary came to Rizhao Port to focus on the expansion of opening up. He encouraged Shandong to build a world-class maritime port group, which will be an important window to promote high-level opening up.

At the work report meeting of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Shandong Province, the General Secretary put forward clear requirements for Shandong to do a good job in "opening up articles", including actively building an international logistics channel, building an institutional open demonstration area, and elaborately building a high-energy platform for major international exchanges and cooperation.

 △ Rizhao Port. (Filmed by Head Office reporter Hansen) △ Rizhao Port. (Filmed by Head Office reporter Hansen)


   Do a good job of "Three Rural Issues"

Shandong is a big agricultural and grain province.

In March 2018, during the two sessions of the National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of the Shandong delegation. He stressed that the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy is a big article, and it should be planned as a whole and promoted scientifically. At that time, the General Secretary systematically expounded the "five revitalization" of rural industry, talent, culture, ecology and organization.

Three months later, the General Secretary went to Shandong for an investigation and came to Sanjianxi Village in Jinan for field investigation. He also stressed at the work report meeting of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the provincial government that "building a Qilu model for rural revitalization".

  △ Pomegranate planted in Guanshi pomegranate garden in Zaozhuang, Shandong. (Shot by Li Hui, a reporter from CCTV) △ Pomegranate planted in Guanshi pomegranate garden in Zaozhuang, Shandong. (Shot by Li Hui, a reporter from CCTV)

In this year's visit to Shandong, the General Secretary pointed out that Shandong has a great responsibility in ensuring national food security. He stressed that we should promote the construction of high standard farmland, promote the increase of grain production and quality, and build a higher level of "Qilu granary".

The General Secretary also put forward requirements for deepening the integrated development of urban and rural areas, consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, and improving the level of rural grass-roots governance.

  △ Sweet sorghum planted in the agricultural highlands of the Yellow River Delta in Shandong Province. (Filmed by Zhao Hua, a reporter from CCTV) △ Sweet sorghum planted in the agricultural highlands of the Yellow River Delta in Shandong Province. (Filmed by Zhao Hua, a reporter from CCTV)


   Do a good job of "cultural articles"

Shandong is also a cultural province.

This is the fertile land of traditional Chinese culture. In November 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Confucius Mansion and the Confucius Institute. He profoundly pointed out that the prosperity of a country and a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation needs the development and prosperity of Chinese culture as the condition.

This is also the highland of the red spirit. The General Secretary pointed out during his inspection in Linyi, Shandong, that Yimeng spirit, like Yan'an spirit, Jinggangshan spirit and Xibaipo spirit, is the valuable spiritual wealth of the party and the country, and it should be carried forward in the new era.

 △ Confucius Mansion. (Picture/Vision China) △ Confucius Mansion. (Picture/Vision China)

This year's visit coincides with the first anniversary of the General Secretary's attendance at the Forum on Cultural Heritage and Development and his important speech.

The General Secretary pointed out that Shandong should shoulder the cultural mission of the new era and take an active part in promoting cultural prosperity, building a cultural power and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

With regard to inheriting China's excellent traditional culture, the General Secretary pointed out that it is necessary to deepen civilization exchanges and mutual learning with the International Confucius Cultural Festival as a carrier to enhance the influence of Chinese culture.

With regard to carrying forward the revolutionary culture, the General Secretary stressed that we should vigorously carry forward the spirit of Yimeng and promote the transmission of the red gene from generation to generation.

With regard to the development of advanced socialist culture, the General Secretary proposed that the advanced socialist culture should increase the momentum and efficiency of economic development, the connotation and charm of tourism and leisure, and the vitality of urban and rural society.

 △ Sunshine Coast Greenway. (Shot by Lu Hongyu, a reporter from CCTV) △ Sunshine Coast Greenway. (Shot by Lu Hongyu, a reporter from CCTV)

At the work report meeting of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Shandong Province on May 24, General Secretary Xi Jinping also made clear requirements for the party discipline learning and education being carried out throughout the Party, and made specific arrangements on how to coordinate development and security.

In March 2018, the General Secretary talked about "remarkable achievements" and "potential achievements" when communicating with the delegates in the Shandong delegation. He said, "We should not only do practical things that can be seen, touched and benefited by the people, but also do good things that can pave the way for future generations, lay the foundation and benefit the long-term."

During this visit, at the Sunshine Coast Greenway in Rizhao, the General Secretary interacted cordially with citizens and tourists, talking about the "biggest politics" of promoting Chinese style modernization. He said, "To promote Chinese style modernization is to make people's lives better and better."

These two scenes vividly interpret the views of the Communist Party of China on political achievements and career in the new era.

Supervised by Shen Yong

Lead Writer Gong Xuehui Liu Ruilin

Reporter | Fan Kai, Li Jin, Guo Xiaolong, Li Hui, Zhao Hua, Lu Hongyu

Support | Shandong General Station

Vision: Chen Kuo, Zhang Jing

Editor in charge: Liu Penglin