Say "Hear", Solve the Word, Sea | Understand the concern of the General Secretary about "Sea"

Say "Hear", Solve the Word, Sea | Understand the concern of the General Secretary about "Sea"
17:06, May 24, 2024 People's Network

The word "sea" in gold is water on the left and every on the right. Sea, a pictophonetic character, explains in Shuowen: "The Tianchi Lake is also the one that absorbs hundreds of rivers."

For the Chinese people, the sea bears the historical memory of the nation and the opportunity to strive to become stronger in the sea.

On May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping investigated in Rizhao, Shandong Province. Look at the port, look at the greenway, and plan the grand article of land and sea coordination …… The ocean is the focus of this trip.

Planner: Du Shangze

Copy: Li Jianguang

Coordinator: Sun Miaomiao

Produced by: Zheng Qi, Shi Man

Designer: Tian Xingzhou

Source: People's Daily Learning Power Studio

Editor in charge: Liu Penglin