Micro video | The cause of spring

Micro video | The cause of spring
20:35, May 19, 2024 Xinhua News Agency

May 19, 2024 is the 34th National Handicap Day. The disabled are "groups with special difficulties", and the cause of the disabled is known as "the cause of spring". In the mind of General Secretary Xi Jinping, disabled people should fully enjoy the fruits of economic and social development as healthy people, and live happily under the same blue sky. Sentences of affectionate words and warm encouragement convey the warmth of spring breeze; One by one warm heart action, one by one help action, just like the continuous spring rain, let the majority of disabled people's hearts moist and full of hope.

Huang Daoliang lost his arms in an accident when he was young. In 1990, he took the college entrance examination for the third time. In that year, he was admitted to Minjiang Vocational University, where Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, was also president, and became the first college student without arms in Fujian Province. After graduation, he has been working in Minqing County Disabled Persons' Federation to help the disabled obtain employment, education, medical rehabilitation opportunities and bring warmth to more disabled people.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hohhot Children's Welfare Home in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to visit the children living here. Wang Yani, a deaf mute girl, is one of them. The General Secretary encouraged Wang Yani to study hard and succeed in her studies, which gave her an inexhaustible motivation to persist in learning. Now, Wang Yani, who came to the podium, began to help more disabled children change their destiny.

In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a forum for grassroots representatives in Changsha, Hunan Province. At the meeting, Yang Shuting, as the representative of disabled entrepreneurs, made a speech and put forward suggestions on improving the disabled service security system. In recent years, Yang Shuting is very happy and gratified to see that the accessibility facilities in her hometown have been improved very well, such as the square, park and other public places have increased accessibility.

General Secretary Xi Jinping called on the whole society to have a heart of benevolence and love, encourage more people to join the ranks of helping the disabled, and more and more "sowers" and "cultivators" gather together for "the cause of spring".

Chief Supervisor: Huo Xiaoguang

Supervisor: Li Zhengyu

Produced by: Sun Zhiping

Producer: Fan Hua

Coordinator: Wang Yuling, Wang Zhibin

Editor and director: Xie Wentao

Journalists: Darihan, Lin Kai, Mi Yingting, Ding Chunyu

Reporter: Yang Yuanzhi, Mao Xuejun

Dubbing: Hu Hanbo

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Editor in charge: Liu Guangbo